Potential Funding Sources for Climate Vulnerability Index Project CVI Workshop Guayaquil, Ecuador March 23, 2005
EPA The Impact of Climate Change & Variability on Human Health “Research on the consequences for human health of global change -- including climate, climate variability, land-use, economic development, and technology”. Us: Human health as a measure of Vulnerability to Climate Change? Eligibility: Public and State controlled institutions of higher education Award Ceiling $600, (4 in total) Application Receipt Date: March 24, 2005, 4:00 p.m. STAR-E1/Modification2.html STAR-E1/Modification2.html STAR-E1/Modification2.html rch.html
USDA (Foreign Service) Scientific Cooperation Research Program “Long-term & short-term international collaborative research & exchanges that address concerns for food security, environmental stewardship, and agricultural trade”. Focus on “mutual strategic goals of USDA and its worldwide partners. SCRP projects promote the enhancement of agricultural producers’ economic opportunities, protection from agricultural pests and diseases, food safety, nutrition and health, rural quality of life, and the environment.” Us: CVI addresses food security, nutrition, health, environmental stewardship, quality of life, etc., in holistic way. Eligibility: U.S. scientists affiliated with a college or university $45, Mar 15, 2005 /Grant.html
USAID United States-Mexico Training, Internships, Exchanges and Scholarships Initiative “A successful application: (1) training to build capacity in eligible focus areas (detailed below), as identified by the Mexican institution and local stakeholders; (2) appropriate persons selected through a fair, transparent process; approximately half of training opportunities and scholarships offered to women; (3) training responsive to institutional & development priorities; (4) oversight provided by both institutions; (5) trainees return to work in Mexico within a defined timeframe, to an established setting with follow-on support and monitoring from partner relationship; (6) private sector, NGO, and local government engagement in partnership with significant cost-share contributions.” Our proposal could fit in: Focus Areas 3) Environment (Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, & Veracruz; this might not be useful for San Pedro), 4) Rural Prosperity for Small-Scale Producers; and 5) Health. Eligibility: U.S. higher education institutions 10 applications, $ each DEADLINE: April 15, 2005
The Christensen Fund Back locally grounded efforts to elucidate relationships between culture & environment; to strengthen world's capacity to maintain cultural & biological creativity and diversity, by: (1) convening diverse entities involved in a given field to explore ideas & approaches that could form part of long-term strategies (2) experimenting with innovative approaches that need testing or development (3) building relationships with key organizations or groups, or (4) making timely but small investments in key institutions in priority regions. (1) convening diverse entities involved in a given field to explore ideas & approaches that could form part of long-term strategies (2) experimenting with innovative approaches that need testing or development (3) building relationships with key organizations or groups, or (4) making timely but small investments in key institutions in priority regions. Regional focus: The Greater Southwest (USA and NW Mexico), Central Asia, Turkey and Iran, The African Rift Valley (Ethiopia), Northern Australia. Us: Vulnerability and resilience Eligibility: U.S. 501(c)(3)s or similar not-for-profit organization, government unit, university or museum, either in U.S. or abroad $ of one year or less duration. DEADLINE: January 15 th (1 st quarter) and March 31 st (2 nd quarter).
Potential Sources not directly applicable to us, but worth a look for possible project partners
EU: 6 th Framework Program Objectives: promote scientific and technological cooperation between undertakings, organizations, and researches from third countries and from the Community Us: ? Any other country may participate project-by-project if in conformity with interests of the Community and on a self- financing basis, only if its participation is also of substantial added value for implementing all or part of the specific programs in accordance with its objectives. The CVI project has partners in Europe, esp. through HELP & CPWC
START Program (Co-funded by IGBP, IHDP,WCRP) ONLY FOR AFRICAN INSTITUTIONS Establish and foster regional networks of collaborating scientists and institutions in developing countries, who asses environmental change and vulnerabilities to it.
Swedish Funding Institutions Numerous opportunities for institutions in developing countries collaborating with Swedish Universities Swedish South Asian Studies Network Sida's Developing Country Research Council Sida's Developing Country Research Council Sida's Developing Country Research Council Mistra (Swedish Foundation for Strategical Environmental Research) Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
Other future possibilities that might apply
Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change (AIACC) in Multiple Regions and Sectors To try in approximately one year (they’ll have funding), for institutions in developing countries mostly Eligibility mostly for project partners in developing countries.