New OVC Programming Guidance Overview Dr. Nicole Behnam PEPFAR/ OGAC AIDS Turning the Tide Together
Purpose Assists PEPFAR country teams and implementing partners in – developing country operational plans – designing programs that incorporate, context, known best practice and innovation. – Implementing evidence-based, and cost-effective activities. Closes gaps in past programming efforts. Places the OVC programming within the HIV/AIDS continuum of response at the country level. NOT “how-to” manual for implementation
Key points from Guidance There is no “minimum package of services.” Primary strategy for child well-being is strengthening parents and caregivers. Country ownership promotion is imperative and must be balanced with meeting children’s immediate needs. A young person who turns 18 while receiving OVC services should not automatically be terminated from receiving assistance. Programs should build interventions on evidence-based practice. Guidance includes summaries of evidence for interventions. Programs encouraged to allocate 10% of project funding to M&E. Experienced and specialized technical expertise is required for interventions.
Guiding Principles Strengthening families as primary caregivers of children. Strengthening systems to support country ownership, including community ownership. Ensuring prioritized, focused interventions that address children’s most critical care needs. Working within the continuum of response to achieve an AIDS-free generation.
Governments have skills & staff to ensure strong child welfare & social protection services Civil Society, including NGOs & communities, are organized & resourced to identify children &families at risk & to provide safety nets Families are empowered through access to health care, parenting skills & economic strengthening to fulfill role as primary carers of children Children are protected from and resilient to HIV/AIDS and other risks to their development and well-being Approach
HIV infection of Parents Possible distancing by parent, disclosure issues Children may become caregivers Psychosocial distress Deaths of parents Increasingly serious illness Children withdraw from school Inadequate food Problems with shelter & material needs Economic problems Problems with inheritance Reduced access to health services Children without adequate adult care Discrimination Increased vulnerability to HIV infection Life on the street Institutionalization Sexual exploitation Exploitative child labor How HIV Affects Children
Technical Sectors Addressing issues entails multi-sectoral approach that assesses complexities of vulnerability Education Psychosocial Care and Support Household Economic Strengthening Social Protection Child Protection Legal Protection Health and Nutrition Capacity-building
Sectors and Approach
AgesStagesOVC Programs Across the Age Span Collaboration Prenatal to three Safety and security Home visitors encourage adherence to PMTCT and reduce loss to follow-up Referral for HIV testing and adherence support Disclosure and Bereavement Support Referrals for prevention, diagnosis and management of TB and opportunistic Infections PMTCT, MCH (vaccinations, etc.), Food and Nutrition Birth registration Training in Parental Skills reduces toxic stress effects PreschoolCuriosity Nutrition and ECD programs boost holistic development MCH, WASH, Food and Nutrition Age appropriate entry into a safe, non- discriminatory early learning program, esp. for girls Middle yearsLearning Access to education, enrollment into school and facilitation for retention GBV, HIV prevention, Education Creation of child friendly, gender sensitive classrooms Ensure completion of primary school, esp. for girls Kids clubs develop social skills Early AdolescencePeer Acceptance Peer support groups GBV, HIV prevention, Education Protection from harmful labor/ trafficking Late adolescence to adulthoodDecision-making Referrals to adolescent reproductive and family health services GBV, Prevention, Family Planning, Reproductive Health If out of school, access to vocational education or other training opportunities that result in sustainable livelihoods Mentorship programs Money Management Programming for Ages & Stages
Priority Interventions
Thank you! Guidance Discussion and Q&A Shriver Hall, Peace Corps th Street, NW Friday, July 27 th, 9:00 – 10:30 am No need to be registered for conference Please be aware of security checks at door