CLOE in Värmland autumn 2007 The Cluster Conference in Karlstad November 26th to 28th with staff exchange, training seminars and match making activities. aprox. 200 participants including speakers Participants from 16 nations (eg Bolivia, Mexico, India and Nigeria) CLOE members from Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Rep, UK, Austria
CLOE in Värmland autumn 2007 Very good media coverage newspapers, radio (regional, national and international) and regional TV (See special slides) All national players dealing with clusters attended the conference Members from MA attended the conference The EU Commission had a representative there
CLOE in Värmland autumn 2007 CLOE and Värmland in focus at the Second Anatolian Cluster Conference in Istanbul October CLOE as an example for regional development Conference arranged by Lattvian Government and Swedish Embassy in Riga December 5th
CLOE in Värmland autumn 2007 Coming activities 2008 Meeting with TATA Steel in India February LOI with All China Paper Institute signed China to Värmland in February and Värmland to China in May. Study visit from Turkish Ministry of Reg.Dev about Clustering Turkish association of Car manufacturers will meet Värmland at Stockholm Conferenc