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Presentation transcript:


Semicolons Use a semicolon between independent clauses not joined by and, but, for , or, nor, yet. The last day of summer vacation finally arrived; reluctantly we prepared for the first day of a new school year.

Semicolons Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by the words: accordingly also besides consequently

Semicolons furthermore hence however indeed instead moreover nevertheless

Semicolons otherwise similarly still therefore thus for example for instance

Semicolons that is in fact

Semicolons that is in fact Write 5 sentences using these words and semicolons. Turn this in! Peter failed two subjects; consequently, he will have to be in a junior homeroom next year.

Semicolons A semicolon (Rather than a comma.) may be needed to separate independent clauses if there are commas within the clauses.

Semicolons In the seventeenth century, the era of such distinguished prose writers as Sir Thomas Browne, authors wrote with a balance of compound sentences using commas and semicolons reaching a high degree of perfection and popularity; however, the tendency of many authors today is to use a fast-moving style with shorter sentences and fewer commas and semicolons.

Semicolons Use a semicolon between items in a series if the items contain commas. The three top seniors in this year’s class have the following four year averages: Marvin Adams, 94.8; Ruth Ann Smith, 93.6; and Joan Dorf, 92.8.