Disclosure of Capital Adequacy
Illustrative Capital Structure As per RBI’s capital adequacy norms capital funds are classified into Tier-I and Tier-II capital. Tier-I capital of the bank consists of equity capital, statutory reserves, other disclosed free reserves, capital reserves and innovative perpetual debt instruments eligible for inclusion in Tier-I capital that complies with requirement specified by RBI. Tier-II capital consists of general provision and loss reserves, upper Tier-II instruments and subordinate debt instruments Bank has issued debt instruments that form a part of Tier-I and Tier-II capital.
Illustrative Capital Structure Tier-I bonds are non-cumulative and perpetual in nature with a call option after 10 years. Interest on Tier-I bonds is payable either annually or semi-annually. Some of the Tier-I bonds have a step-up clause on interest payment ranging up to 100 bps. Upper Tier-II bonds have an original maturity of 15 years with a call option after 10 years.
Illustrative Capital Sturcture Interest on Upper Tier-II bonds is payable either annually or semi-annually. Some of the Upper Tier-II debt instruments have a step- up clause on interest payment ranging up to 100 bps. Lower Tier-II bonds have an original maturity between 5 to 10 years. Interest on lower Tier-II capital instruments is payable either semi-annually or annually.
Equity Capital Bank has authorized share capital of XX crores comprising XXXX equity shares of 10/- each. Bank has issued, subscribed and paid-up equity capital of XX crores, constituting XXXX number of shares of 10/- each. Bank’s shares are listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange. GDRs issued by the bank are listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). During the year, the Bank has also allotted equity shares to employees under its Employee Stock Option Plan.
Debt Instruments Bank has raised capital through –Innovative Perpetual Debt Instrument (IPDI) eligible as Tier I Capital –Tier II capital in the form of Upper TierII –Subordinated bonds (unsecured redeemable non- convertible debentures) Perpetual Debt Instrument The Bank has raised Perpetual Debt Instruments eligible as Tier I Capital
Date of AllotmentRate of Interest PeriodAmount 30 September %PerpetuityXXX Cores 15 November %PerpetuityUSD XX million INR (XXX Cores) Total XXX Cores Conversion Rates XX / USD (as on 31/3/2011) Tier I Capital
Date of AllotmentsRate of Redemption Rate of Interest Amount 11 August August %USD XX million INR (XXX crore) 24 November November %XX Crore 6 February February %XX Crore 28 June June %USD XX million INR (XXX) Crore Total XXX Crore Tier II Capital
Date of AllotmentDate of RedemptionRate of InterestAmount 20 Sep June %XX 21 Dec Sep %XX 26 July April %XX 26 July April %XX 15 June Oct %XX 25 July July 2012Average 1 year benchmark + 65 basis XX 22 March July %XX 22 March Jun %XX 22 March March %XX 22 March March %XX 28 June Sep %XX 30 March March %XX 7 Nov Nov %XX 28 March March %XX 16 June June %XX TotalXXX Subordinated Debt
Capital A Tier I CapitalXXX Paid-up Share CapitalXX Reserves and surplus (Excluding Foreign Currency Translation Reserve) XX Innovative Perpetual Debt InstrumentsXX Amount deducted from Tier 1 capital Investments in subsidiariesXX Deferred Tax AssetsXX Capital Fund
Capital B Tier II Capital (net of deductions) (B.1+B.2+B.3-B.4)XX B.1 Debt Capital Instruments eligible for inclusion as Upper Tier 2 Capital Total amount outstanding XX Of which amount raised during the current yearXX Amount eligible as capital fundsXX B.2 Subordinated debt eligible for inclusion in Lower Tier Capital Total amount outstanding XX Of which amount raised during the current year XX Amount eligible as capital funds XX Capital Fund
Capital B.3 Other Tier II Capital - General provisions and loss reservesXX B.4 Deductions from Tier II Capital Investments in Subsidiaries XX C Total Eligible CapitalXX Capital Fund
Capital Adequacy Bank is subject to the capital adequacy guidelines stipulated by RBI, which are based on the framework of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. As per the capital adequacy guidelines under Basel I, the bank is required to maintain a minimum ratio of total capital to risk weighted assets (CRAR) of 9.0%, at least half of which is required to be Tier 1 Capital.
Capital Adequacy As per Basel II guidelines, Bank is required to maintain a minimum CRAR of 9.0%, with minimum Tier I Capital ratio of 6.0%. In terms of RBI guidelines for implementation of Basel II, capital charge for credit and market risk the bank is required to maintain at the higher levels implied by Basel II or 80% of the minimum capital requirement computed as per the Basel I framework.
Capital Adequacy An assessment of the capital requirement of the bank is carried out through a comprehensive projection of future businesses that takes cognizance of –strategic intent of the Bank, –profitability of particular businesses –opportunities for growth. Mapping of credit, operational and market risks to this projected business growth enables assignment of capital that not only adequately covers the minimum regulatory capital requirement but also provides for growth. Calibration of risk to business is enabled by a strong risk culture in the bank aided by effective, technology based risk management systems.
Credit RiskCapital Capital requirements for Credit Risk Portfolios subject to standardized approachXX Securitization exposuresXX Market Risk Capital requirements for Market Risk Standardized duration approachXX Interest rate riskXX Foreign exchange risk (including gold)XX Equity riskXX Capital Requirements for various Risks
Operational RiskCapital Capital requirements for Operational risk Basic indicator approachXX Capital Adequacy Ratio of the Bank(X%) Tier I CRAR(X%) Tier II CRAR(X%) Capital Requirements for various Risks