3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University1 SCT X-ray Alignment Software A First Update
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University2 X-ray Alignment Current Methods Simulation (of Hits) and Calibration Beam positions HitToStrip Generate Calibration Beam Data Increase speed by different use of Random and Gaussian (real data could enter here) StripToHit Use Calibration Beam Data to Calibrate Strips Reconstruction (from Hits) Analysis Future Incorporate Position and Tilt sensors Diagnostic tools for Problem Solving Calibration of X-ray Gun
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University3 Simulation Loop over all 12 z positions Generate beams (4) at 231 phi values (1/5 of dPhi of beams) Loop over barrels 3 – 6 Intersect 4 beams with barrel radius Find appropriate detectors and intersect with beams Write accurate strip hits (and gun z/phi) to hit and calib lists Write modules hit and calibration scanNo to scan list dPhi
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University4 HitToStrip Read Scan list for modules hit Read hit list for hit and gun pars Generate 10K strips with Gaussian for r-phi and u/v-phi dets (beam 0.5 mrad x 20 mrad (?)) Add 20% (?) random background strips Generate 2K hits per strip for Calibration beam (20 mrad) Include Strip Efficiencies for all strips (+/- 10% rms dist) Use Gaussian function value, and Random for errors Store as histogram(s) Save histograms (8+) as root file Repeat for each Scan (231 x 12)
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University5 Random and Gaussian Random.nextGaussian() - once/X-ray (10K) 20K r-phi and u-phi strips 4K background for both 600K calibration beam for both 624K total x8 modules x231 scans (x12 z pos) 1.2 x 10**9 (x12 z pos) AND for x10 statistics, x10 calls! Value: Gaussian fn. Error: Random - once/strip 45 r-phi and u-phi strips 0 background for both 300 calibration for both 345 total x8 modules x231 scans (x12 z pos) This is 1800 times faster. And for x10 statistics, same number of calls!
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University6 Module Strip Data
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University7 Module Strip Data(2)
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University8 StripToHit Read Scan list for modules hit Find Root file Find Histogram for each module Search histogram (in each half) for largest peak Find scan and histo for Calibration data Correct strip histograms for Strip Efficiency Fit limited range around peak to Gaussian Extract peak value as accurate hit Write accurate strip hit (and gun z/phi) to hit list Repeat for each module Repeat for each Scan (231 x 12)
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University9 Results for No Effic, No Calibration
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University10 Results for With Effic, No Calibration
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University11 Results for With Effic, With Calibration
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University12 …and Barrel 4
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University13 …and Barrel 5
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University14 …and Barrel 6
3rd December 2003James Loken – Oxford University15 Conclusions A good start has been made More work has been done Some of the remaining work to be done: A good Calibration of the Gun is needed First attempts at a new method not good enough. A good method must be found, H/W built, LabVIEW S/W written, data taken (DAQ working) – June 2004 Laser & Tilt Sensors used – Sept 2004 Integration of Online S/W (LabVIEW, DAQ, Sensors) – Nov 2004 EndCap, full H/W & S/W programme – May 2005?? Extraction of Detector positions – a few hours later! Other work (Diagnostic tools, tests, studies) – in between times