May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat1 Run II Muon Software An Overview Pushpa Bhat Muon Vertical Review May 22, 2000.


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Presentation transcript:

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat1 Run II Muon Software An Overview Pushpa Bhat Muon Vertical Review May 22, 2000

Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat2 Muon Algorithms/ID Group Paul Balm(Level3, Hitreco) Pushpa Bhat(Muon Alg. Co-leader, Geometry,muo_explore) Kors Bos(Level3, TIM, d0ve) Laurent Chevalier(Tracking) Frederic Deliot(Tracking, alignment) Oleg Eroshin(FAMUS tracking code) Mike Fortner(Unpack/pack reco, muon_index) Claude Guyot(Tracking) Dave Hedin(Muon ID Co-leader, muo_examine,online) Sharon Hagopian(Graphics) Rick Jesik(Geometry) Sasha Kozelov(Segment reco, track reco) Chun hui Luo(Muon ID, muo_analyze) Onne Peters(Level3, hitreco,segmentreco,trf++,d0ve) Harrison Prosper(Graphics, Geometry, muo_explore) Nemat Rakmatov(Geometry) Christophe Royon(Muon-AlgCo-leader,D0sim,release,debug&test) Marc Virchauex(Tracking) Daria Zieminska(MuonID Co-leader, muonid,muo_analyze, trf++) Andrzej Zieminski(Geometry, Calibration, Alignment) Ex-members Andrei Mayorov(mureco, muon_index) Vladimir Sirotenko (D0gstar, McToUnp Reco, muon_util, muo_examine) Taka Yasuda(muo_digi, mureco)

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat3 Outline l Introduction l Data Processing in a Nutshell l Detailed Data Flow l Existing and Planned Packages l Software Review l Status & Plans

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat4 What does the software do? l Access and unpack Raw Data l Sort the data, process and create hit objects l Reconstruct segments and tracks Local Tracking [Global Tracking (TRF++)] l Link reconstructed segments/tracks to tracks from SMT, CFT and produce muon objects l Analyze hits, segments, tracks, muon particles and MC data; make ntuples l Detector and data visualization. (Muon Algorithms and ID groups run as an integrated entity has helped all parties )

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat5 Data Processing in a Nutshell Raw Data Monte Carlo Data Unpacked Data Processed Data Reconstructed Data Physics Data Unpack Pack Digitize Index Sort, Calibrate Align,.. Smearing TrigSim,.. Find Segments, Tracks Muon ID

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat6 Data Objects Monte Carlo Data SimTkHit Unpacked Data PDTChannel MDTChannel MSCChannel Processed Data PDTHit MDTHit MSCHit Reconstructed Data MuoSegment MuoTrack Physics Data MuonParticle

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat7 MuoTrackR eco MuonParticle Reco Reco MuoTrack MuoSegmentRecoMuoSegmentReco MuoHit MuoMcToUnp MuonParticle GlobalTrackReco GlobalTrack RawData MuoUnp Chunk Chunk MuoHit MuoHit Chunk Chunk MuoSegment MuoSegment Chunk Chunk MuoTrack MuoTrack Chunk Chunk Reco Reco Reco Reco (trf++) Chunk Chunk Chunk SimMUONHit SimMUONHit Chunk Chunk

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat8 Packages

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat9 Muon Geometry l muon_geometry  Defines ideal geometry for the muon system detectors  Provides access to shapes, sizes and positions of the detectors and their elements, number of wires, wire lengths etc.,  Handles conversions of local to global coordinate systems and vice versa MuoBaseGeometry, MuoGeomDetector, MuoGeometer (user interface to geometry tree)

May 22, 2000Rick Jesik10  each element is represented by a simple geometric shape and position  when an element is moved, the change of position is automatically propagated to the elements below it in the tree. muon_geometry package MuoGeomDetector WAMUS EastSouth PDT Scint FAMUS MDTScint Pixel The muon geometry is represented by a hierarchical tree structure.

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat11 Muon Index l muon_index  An indexing/addressing scheme by which every section and every readout cell in the muon system can be uniquely identified.  MuoSectionIndex, MuoCellIndex  Each hit will have a muon index  Translation to other addressing schemes used in the muon system are provided (MC, Geometry, Electronics)  MuoIndexTrans  Greatly simplifies searching, sorting, and tagging hits, hence improving efficiency and elegance of software. (performs as a key)

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat12 RECO Packages muo_hit l muo_data muo_segment muo_track  Specifies data formats for processed and reconstructed objects. muo_hitreco  Take T0 corrected times, apply calib/alignment, make time to distance conversions and provide geometrical information of the hits to the user. l muo_segmentreco  Find A & BC layer segments using MuoHits. Allows more than one segment finding algorithm.

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat13 Track RECO l muo_trackreco Builds muon tracks (and track objects) starting with pairs of A & BC segments. Allows more than one algorithm  Currently two algorithms implemented Combinatorial Algorithm Simple matching of A & BC segments in the Toroid, assuming a uniform magnetic field Fit Algorithm Pair of segments are fit into a muon track via track propagation through the non- uniform magnetic field, taking into account multiple scattering and energy loss in the toroid.

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat14 Muon ID Package l MuonParticleReco is the steering framework package for muon ID l Provides for linking the tracks found in the muon system to the central tracks (reconstructed in SMT and CFT) l Uses the matched A & BC segments from the muon reconstruction and charged particles from central tracker (Gtracks)  The quality of match between the central track and A-layer segment is stored as MuonQualityInfo. Working definition of Muon ID Gtrack + A segment “loose”  Gtrack + (A+BC)segments “tight” 

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat15 Analysis Packages l muo_analyze MuoIDAnalyze  Reads D0reco output and makes a HEPtuple and a ROOT ntuple with quantities relevent to muons, based on the contents of appropriate chunks.  MC, Gtracks (pt>1.5GeV/c), hits, segment, tracks, MuonID l muo_explore An alternate analysis package which currently stores MC and muon local tracking info in an HBOOK ntuple

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat16 Detector and Event Display l d0ve_muon D0 Visualization Environment  Developed by the NIKHEF group  Has been a great tool for debugging geometry and reconstruction code  Now being used for on-line display in the commissioning runs. l Mr Datae  Work underway  Beautiful 3D displays l D0Scan  Based on Open Inventor

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat17 Software Review Design & Implementation l Very thorough and very useful review of hit (and segment) reconstruction code(s) by Marc Paterno and Jim Kowalkowski Design Concerns: - Template strategy for MuoDataProcessor - Problem Decomposition in hit processing - Hit storage in Hit Collection - EDM and Framework usage Coding Concerns: - Poor memory management due to extensive copy of pointers - Error reporting

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat18 Software Review Actions Taken l Done away with MuoDataProcessor l Added new utilities to access unpack data  Chunk selector  SelectModules  SelectDataChannels l Revised Hit and HitCollection classes  Provided new hit access and insert methods  Separated different hit types l Written Channel and Hit Adaptors l Revised HitReco and HitChunk l Fixed other minor technical problems l Error Logging

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat19 Status and Plans l Revisions of hitreco almost done -sign-off this week l Revisions of segment reco and track reco are underway -concrete schedule this week l New algorithms for segment-finding and tracking underway : 3 months l trf++ Global tracking -Ramp up after 2 months l Muon tracking in Calorimeter (MuoTrackInCal)  Gallas, a few months l Improve efficiency, purity, resolution ( Performance studies will cover these topics in detail)

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat20 Major Milestones l First version of D0gstar Geometry and Protvino C++ code for FAMUS tracking Fall 1997 l Extend to WAMUS, convert to D0standard Summer 1998 l Invented MuoIndex June 1998 l D0ve event display available l Muon Geometry written, mostly debugged early 1999 l Redesign and revise code to decouple EDM and framework stuff from algorithms. Spring -Fall 1999 l MCData  Unpdata  hit  segment  track complete. First real data (cosmic) in Run II format read, processed and displayed Aug.99 l A thorough Software Design and Code Review (Paterno and Kowalkowski) Dec. 99 l 4th major Iteration: Redesign and Revision Jan.00-present l Three Mini Workshops:  April 2000, May 1999, Dec. 1998

May 22, 2000Muon ID VR Pushpa Bhat21Summary l We can process MC and Raw data (in Run II format) and find tracks in the muon system. l The momentum resolution obtained is as expected. Work needs to be done on improving efficiencies and reducing fake segments. l Design and coding revisions are underway for local tracking software. Global tracking (trf++) work has to be ramped up. Momentum Resolution  P T vs. P T