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FY 2017 MACJC LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS Endorsed and Supported by: Mississippi Community College Board Mississippi Community and Junior College Trustees Association Mississippi Community and Junior College Inter - Alumni Association Mississippi Faculty Association for Community and Junior Colleges Mississippi Association for Adult and Continuing Education Community College Student VOICES Organization
The MSU National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (nSPARC) VALUE 4.86 ROI RETURN ON INVESTMENT The 2014 nSPARC report, “What is the Value of Community Colleges to Mississippi Taxpayers?” showed the state reaps $4.86 in return to Mississippi taxpayers for every state dollar spent supporting community colleges.
WalletHub - one-stop destination for all the tools and information consumers and small business owners need to make better financial decisions and save money. PERFORMANCE WalletHub ranks the Mississippi Community College system as No. 1 in the Nation! Mississippi Community Colleges are top in the nation: Cost Classroom Experience Educational Outcomes Career Outcomes Financing
The National Student Clearing House, 2015 College Completion Study* PERFORMANCE Mississippi CJC rank 5 th in the nation for college completion and exceed the national average. * 2008 six-year co-hort College Completion, first time, students Miss.46.01% Nation39.13% College Completion, fulltime, first-time students Miss % Nation57.00%
Mississippi IHL 2015 Transfer Report OUTCOMES 38% of 2014 IHL bachelor’s degree graduates previously attended a Mississippi community college. ,723 14,184 ,39116,170 ,72618,117 1 CJC INCREASE GRADUATES/CREDENTIALS
PRIORITY ONE Attract and Retain Qualified Faculty Keep Tuition Affordable Expand Critically Needed Career- Technical and Allied Health Programs Produce More Graduates and Skilled Workers Implement Innovative Support Services Update Technology and Equipment FAIR AND EQUITABLE FUNDING
PRIORITY ONE $64,562,207 – One-half of the total amount needed to achieve MLF $8,000,000 – Capital Expense Fund $10,135,500 – MI-BEST Career Pathways FAIR AND EQUITABLE FUNDING $82,898,107
MID-LEVEL FUNDING PER STUDENT FY 2014 Audited, Actual Data PUBLIC K-12 $4,987 COMMUNITY COLLEGES $3,753 MID-LEVEL FUNDING $5,814 REGIONAL UNIVERSITIES $6,642 $2,062 The additional amount of per student state support needed to achieve MLF.
Per Student State Support FY 2000 vs. FY2016 EntityActual FY 2000 Estimate FY 2016 Increase/ Decrease K-12 ADA $3,504$5,612+2,108 IHL Per FTE $10,175$9,765(-$410) CJC Per FTE $4,522$4,257(-$265)
” “ We can't sell this state on land and infrastructure alone. We have to have people that are capable and ready to work." J AY C. M OON C HAIR, S TATE W ORKFORCE D EVELOPMENT B OARD P RESIDENT, M ISSISSIPPI M ANUFACTURERS A SSOCIATION Mississippi ties for second in the nation for the lowest “workforce participation rate.” Only 57 percent of Mississippi’s prime working-age adults are employed.
An expanded model for Dropout Recovery Concurrent enrollment in Adult Education and Skill Training Wrap-around support services Industry recognized credentials Preparation for high-demand, living-wage jobs
PRIORITY TWO $10,000,000 – MI-BEST Career Pathways $5,000,000 – CTE Equipment and Facilities $5,000,000 – Upgrade/Start-up of CTE and Workforce Programs WORKFORCE and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $20,000,000
” “ Middle Skill jobs are the frontier for Mississippi, indeed for the nation. Yet there is 35 percent skill gap in Mississippi for middle skill jobs. M ARK H ENRY E XECUTIVE D IRECTOR, M ISSISSIPPI E MPLOYMENT S ECURITY C OMMISSION M ISSISSIPPI D EPARTMENT OF E MPLOYMENT S ECURITY C OMMISSION By 2020, nearly two-thirds of all American jobs will require a postsecondary certificate or degree.
PRIORITY THREE Two-Year Bond Bill FY 2017$37,500 FY 2018$37,500 Aging infrastructure and buildings present safety concerns, while modern facilities are essential to support instructional programs and workforce needs. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $75,000,000
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