Strategy Implementation Workforce Utilization & Employment Practices
Efficient Utilization Of Human Resources. Cross training & flexibility in assigning work. Flexibility in work assignments, flexibility of employees and managerial approach. Using work teams. Requirements for effective teams: Common and compelling purpose. Team members buy in to objective and feeling responsible and accountable. Team members matching traits / skills. Team members feedback sharing with each other. Team training. Self direction // self governance. Organizational system support for teamwork. Team performance management. ( goes through different phases- forming, storming, norming, performing) Operating on nonunion basis. companies peruse strategies to work on nonunion basis, while companies having union and non union employees were also having economical manufacturing units. ( check & balance)
Dealing with employees shortages. Strategic recruiting. Internet based job links provide flexibility and more choice. HR consultants / head hunters support for strategic recruitment. Recruitment should be strongly linked to the organizational strategy. Current and future prospects needs to focused . internal recruiting -Succession planning. HR consultants / Head hunters support. Special recruiting for minorities and females. Diversity needs to be considered in the hiring of employees to comply with legal requirements as well as country norms and to create positive public image of the organization. .
Dealing with employees shortages. Flexible retirement as a source of labour. flexible / retirement in phases . To ensure continuity of business operations aging employees may be considered / motivated to continue working for extended period of time. Managing vendors of outsourced functions. In case of outsourcing arrangements, negotiating price, managing transition & vendor relationship, monitoring and evaluating performance of vendors becomes part and parcel of managerial assignments
Selection of employees. Reliability and validity. Employees as competitive advantage. Selection procedures needs to have psychometric properties of reliability and validity. Reliability means that the procedure needs to produce approximately the same results when the procedure is repeated-standardized effective procedures. Selection procedure must be valid and validity means that the procedure predicts what it is supposed to predict. Job analysis. Identifying KSA and other requirements.
Selection of employees. Interviews. Interviews are universal feature of selection system. Behavioural interviews. Behavioural interviews are interviews in which candidates are questioned about different dealings in his / her narrated past experiences. Testing. Different types of tests are commonly used for selection process. Assessment centers. Selection procedure that offer relatively high predictive validity for supervisory and managerial positions. It may last one or two days to assess a candidate as multiple assessors observe abilities of individual in wide range settings.
Dealing with employees surpluses Redeployment and retraining.. All efforts should be made to retrain and absorb excess employees on job vacancies after providing them necessary training. Another option for absorbing excess employees is to relocate and redeploy them on other jobs based on their individual capabilities. Early retirement. In dealing with excess of employees early retirement schemes with financial incentives is successfully used by different companies without negatively impacting employees morale.
Dealing with employees surpluses Retreat from employment security policies. Technological advancement and computerization and intense global competition created pressure on organizations for structural changes and retreating from employment security policies . Downsizing and layoffs. All options be considered before layoffs. Downsizing strategies are more effective to retain good performers. Careful analysis should be conducted on short term and long term impacts of layoffs .
Dealing with employees surpluses Termination strategies. Terminations are sometime required by organizational changes. employees need to be assured that terminations are for just cause, including due to want of required level of performance. Terminations should be conducted as business decisions and respective employees should be told the reason for their termination. Care should be exercised in selection of time for such terminations.
Special implementation challenges. Career paths for technical professionals. Technical professional face limited opportunity for career development unless they have specialties for management positions. In some cases such professional who take such management positions , it become difficult for them to return to previous field of technical knowledge. Refresher Trainings to keep technical capabilities intact. Dual career plans may be helpful. Dual- career couples. If both members of family are employed , companies face challenges in transferring such employees to different locations. Another issue is frequent turnover of such couples when one is transferred to a different location spouse also leave his /her job.