Uncertainty in the Regional Portfolio Model Michael Schilmoeller for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council Generation Resource Advisory Committee Thursday, January 22, 2009
2 Overview Construction Costs Electricity Price Uncertainty Economic Retirement Variable Capacity for Existing Units
3 Attributes of Cost Futures Generation Resource Advisory Committee (GRAC) at their December 18, 2008 meeting suggested futures should reflect Expectations about cost trends Greater uncertainty associated with technology that is immature or carries more political baggage Correlation among costs, due to common elements such as steel, switches, labor, and concrete Distinctions due to unique elements, likely reliance on sources outside the United States and associated exchange rate uncertainty, and so forth
4 Cost Components More Consistent Source: Forecasting construction costs.xls, worksheet MJS 2 (See also range “CERA Commodity Inputs” on wks MJS 3
5 Expectations Source: Random Variable 02.xls, worksheet “Graphs of Futures”
6 Cost Matrices Source: 2008 Nov 17 CCAF Power Tabular Data _ MJS.xls, worksheet “Table 2”
7 Input-Driven Behavior based on CERA Scenarios
8 Influences in Plant Cost correlations stochastic GBM wmr plant cost escalators steel cost growth expections stochastic GBM wmr stochastic GBM wmr auxillary equipment major equipment I/O matrix … … plant costs current overnight costs stochastic uncertainty in growth correlations with other plant costs stochastic growth
9 Individual Futures Source: Random Variable 02.xls, worksheet “Graphs of Futures”
10 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
11 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
12 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
13 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
14 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
15 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
16 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
17 Cost Deciles Source: Random Variable 01.xls, worksheet “Statistics”
18 Overview Construction Costs Electricity Price Uncertainty Economic Retirement Variable Capacity for Existing Units
19 Current Electricity Price Forecast Interim, created Monday 1/5/2009 PNW prices east of the Cascades Average hydrogeneration conditions Most recent (12/20/2008) frozen efficiency electricity requirements forecast Most recent (11/28/2008) natural gas price forecast To be updated: CO2 penalty assumptions RPS resource development assumptions cost and availability of new resources
20 Current Electricity Price Forecast Source: chart “MONTHLY PRICES”, wkb “AO_6P_ _ABL_HD MONTHLY POWER PRICE FORECAST.XLS”
21 Current Electricity Price Forecast Source: chart “MONTHLY PRICES2”, wkb “AO_6P_ _ABL_HD MONTHLY POWER PRICE FORECAST.XLS”
22 Current Conditions (ICE) Source: chart “Chart 1”, wkb “ICE MONTHLY AVERAGE XLS”
23 Current Electricity Price Forecast On- and Off-Peak Average Source: wks “Electricity Price Futures”, wkb “Illustrations and graphs from L805 after extraction.xls”
24 Current Electricity Price Futures Source: wks “Electricity Price Futures”, wkb “Illustrations and graphs from L805 after extraction.xls”
25 Deciles for Electricity Price Source: wks “EP Deciles”, wkb “Illustrations and graphs from L805 after extraction.xls”
26 Close-Up on Deciles Source: wks “EP Deciles”, wkb “Illustrations and graphs from L805 after extraction.xls”
27 Overview Construction Costs Electricity Price Uncertainty Economic Retirement Variable Capacity for Existing Units
28 Retirement Decision Prescribed number of evaluation and mothball periods for each plant If decision criterion, using only forward- going FOM is negative, begin evaluation Once evaluation period is over, begin mothball state (no generation) Once mothball periods have passed, decommission and incur cancellation cost If any period yields a positive decision criterion value, reset all the counters above
29 Issues What kind of costs, in addition to normal operating costs, would be incurred in each phase? Is there a better representation of the retirement decision?
30 Overview Construction Costs Electricity Price Uncertainty Economic Retirement Variable Capacity for Existing Units
31 New Capability Only for existing plants with a single cohort Variable capacity could be stochastic Representing uncertainty about whether anticipated capacity will materialize Each future’s capacity different Can increase or decrease during over the study within a future Capacity would affect only FOM costs Could be used to model RPS development uncertainty, if restricted to the case of increasing capacity over the study
32 Issues Are there other aspects of a plant with varying capacity, such as construction cost?
33 End
34 CERA Cost Components Source: 2008 Nov 17 CCAF Power Tabular Data _ MJS.xls, worksheet “Table 2”
35 CERA Cost Components Source: 2008 Nov 17 CCAF Power Tabular Data _ MJS.xls, worksheet “Table 2”
36 Existing Features Market-Driven Planning A feature we do not use for our planning: unplanned market additions, at a higher price Early construction – response to circumstances Existing decision based on market viability and prospective adequacy of the system Mothball and cancellation options Option to incur all expenses in the first period
37 New Features Overnight construction cost uncertainty Applies to mothball and cancellation costs as well Distinct costs if mothballed or cancelled in the first period of early construction Fixed operations and maintenance (FOM) cost uncertainty Capacity uncertainty Decision criterion re-evaluated with revised going-forward cost only
38 New Features Economic retirements Based on covering FOM, optionally FOM with uncertainty Internal, cohort-specific calculation of decision criterion VOM uncertainty optional Uncertainty in availability for immature technologies, transmission completion, u.s.w. Distinct construction cost rates in early and late phases Cohort-specific stochastic forced outages