EsEmpleo Project: who, what, why, to whom ● WHAT Access, understand and implement /apply in territory new forms of social economy initiatives (other european practices) useful to improve employment conditions in Andalusia. ● WHO Government, public administration, Organisations, Social Agents, Individuals (social entrepreneurs), Social Economy Enterprises, European Partners. ● TO WHOM Social entrepreneurs Andalusian society Cooperative mouvement WHY Contribute to improve andalusian employment conditions through new social economy initiatives
EsEMPLEO PROJECT: Social Economy for Employment ● Context: Andalusia Region – Population: 8 million – High unemployment rate, 36% – The most representative region in number of cooperatives. ● Objective: Study of social economy practices in Belgium and France – Activities and Employment Cooperatives – Transmission of enterprises to workers in case of retirement or close. ● Partners: CEPES-A (lead partner), CEGES (France), CGSCOOP, PROPAGE-S (Belgium) and Confcooperative Toscana ● Financed: ESF and Andalusian Government (Regional Minister for Employment).
ESEMPLEO PROJECT; Social Economy for Employment METHODOLOGY AND KEY ELEMENTS ● Methodology: – Information analysis, Expert group, discussion groups, study visits, questionnaires, etc... ● Key elements: EXPERTS GROUP and CONVENIENT TIME – EG was composed by 10 Members participating in all phases of the project: Members from FAECTA (Andalusian Federation of Workers Cooperatives, CEPES-A, Andalusian Government (DG Social Economy), Andalusian Goverment (Estrategias School of Enterprises- coach-. – Convenient time: In proccess of ellaboration Co-operatives law. – Most of members participated at the same time in the Technical Commission in charge of elaborating the new Andalusian Cooperatives Law (published in december 2011) – CGSCOOP and Propages. Good partners for organising study visits and analyse of practices.
EsEMPLEO PROJECT: Social Economy for Employment RESULTS and ACTORS REGIONAL GOVERNMENT December 2011 INCLUSION IN COOPERATIVES LAW OF NEW COOPERATIVE FORM COOPERATIVE (ON THE BASIS OF ACTIVITIES COOP) Key elements: Members of Thecnical Commission Collaboration between Public Administration And Social Agents REPRESENTATIVE ENTITIES SOCIAL AGENTS 2012 CREATION OF FIRST NEW FORM OF ANDALUSIAN COOPERATIVE: SMART-IB Key elements: Public agent in contact with entrepreneurs FAECTA and Entrepreneur. Contact with SMART-BE (Association studied as Belgium experience in ESEMPLEO project) PRIVATE SECTOR- SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS Entreneurial accord of SMART-IB, SMART-BE, SMART-FR In procces of creation of an european cooperative society SMART-EU
Some reflections.... Capacity Building: process by which individuals, organisations, institutions and societies build abilities to perform functions, solve problems and achieve objectives. ● Funds (e.g.European Social Fund ) ● The attention to long term capacity issues. The effects of projects,actions and activities have to be sustainable. ● Importance of the assesment of objectives achievements. ● High level of collaboration/participation of stakeholders and actors during the whole proccess. ● High capacity of reaction; change management. ● Ways to achieve objectives are not objectives. A project is not an objective. ● Collaboration between academia, research, private sector and public administration and representative organisations.
Social Entrepreneus: Strasbourg Thank you for your atention january 2014 VIDEO EsEmpleo Isabel Soto Director FAECTA