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A verb is a doing word like to cook A verb you look up in the dictionary has an en or n ending and is called an infinitive, e.g. kochen (to cook)
But how do I use this verb in the PRESENT TENSE? Simple! Just follow the 2 steps on the next slide!!!!
Step 1: get rid off the INFINIVE ending: kochen Step 2: add the verb endings for I, you etc. Ichkoche
Ichdu ersiees (I) (you – talking to a young person) (he)(she)(it) est ttt kochen
ihrwir Siesie (you – talking to young people) (we) (they)(you – talking to adults) ten kochen Sieen (you – talking to one adult)
kochen koch koch koch koch koch koch koch e (to cook) en Ich (I) du (you-talking to a young person) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you- talking to young people) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you-talking to a stranger/strangers) st t t en
Fine, but what if I want to talk about my friend or my sister? No problem. Have a look at this: Mein Freund Mein Bruder Mein Vater = er (he) = ending t Mein Bruder kocht Meine Freundin Meine Schwester Meine Mutter = sie (she) = ending t Meine Mutter kocht Meine Freundin und ich = wir (we) = ending en Meine Freundin und ich kochen Meine Eltern Meine Freunde = sie (they) = ending en e.g. Meine Eltern kochen
machen mach mach mach mach mach mach mach e (to do) en Ich (I) du (you-talking to a young person) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you- talking to young people) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you-talking to a stranger/strangers) st t t en
gehen geh geh geh geh geh geh geh e (to go) en Ich (I) du (you-talking to a young person) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you- talking to young people) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you-talking to a stranger/strangers) st t t en
decken deck deck deck deck deck deck deck e (to lay (the table) ) en Ich (I) du (you-talking to a young person) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you- talking to young people) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you-talking to a stranger/strangers) st t t en
putzen putz putz putz putz putz putz putz e (to clean) en Ich (I) du (you-talking to a young person) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you- talking to young people) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you-talking to a stranger/strangers) t t t en
arbeiten arbeit arbeit arbeit arbeit arbeit arbeit arbeit e (to work) en Ich (I) du (you-talking to a young person) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you- talking to young people) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you-talking to a stranger/strangers) est et en
füttern fütter fütter fütter fütter fütter fütter fütter e (to feed) n Ich (I) du (you-talking to a young person) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you- talking to young people) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you-talking to a stranger/strangers) st t t n n n
Just in case you noticed a few odd things going on….. 1.If the stem of a verb like e.g. putz ends in z, the du form loses the s before the t, e.g. du putzt 2.If the stem of a verb ends in t the du,er/sie/es and ihr forms get an extra e, e.g. du arbeit e st to make it easier to pronounce 3.Also note that the wir, Sie and sie forms of füttern only has an n ending