2010 GPS Presentation - Kevin Dahler
3D Grade Control (GPS)
GPS Systems are a Tool! GPS systems are a “Tool” ! NOT “THE ANSWER” !
Topcon vs Tremble All GPS systems have their Advantages and Disadvantages. Ford vs Chevy vs Dodge
3D Grade Control-Overview GPS (Global Positioning System) Uses Satellites to Track Position
3D Grade Control-Advantages Faster Finishing Times Eliminating Grade Stakes Less Dependent on Surveyors Better Finished Product/Ride
3D Grade Control Equipment Base Station Rover Pack Machine Control GPS Millimeter Laser System for GPS
Cat D6R LGP GPS with Automatics
Cat 14H GPS Blade with Automatics Cat 14H
3D Grade Control-Current Equipment 3D Control Box for GPS in D6R
3D Grade Control-Current Equipment 3D Control Box for GPS in 14H
3D Grade Control-Current Equipment Grade Checker Rover Pack for GPS
Working with the Contractor GPS Computer files: Each piece of information is a tool, if we have all of the information at our fingertips, the easier it makes it for us. = Better product for You!
Human Error Most GPS issues are caused by Human Error. Every time we have to Key in a number it leaves room for an error.
Franklin County Packet - Electronic Design Data - Contractor’s Responsibilities - Tolerances - Detailed Cross Sections are Very nice to have!