When you approach a GHSGT or EOCT question that contains a MAP, be sure to: Read the map TITLE first Check the LEGEND or KEY for symbols “Read” the map – see where and how the symbols are used Remember, “to” is where you are going; “from” is where you started! Read all maps carefully, follow any arrows and other clues provided WRITE ON THE TEST!!! (Remember to DO this)
Sample Map Legends
Find these Map Features on the next slide… Map Title Legend/Key Directional Indicator Scale
Find on this Map 1.The TITLE 2.Information shared in the LEGEND/KEY 3.The DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR 4.Region of this country with the highest elevation 5.Two cities located in the lowest elevation region 6.Body of water that borders this country 7.City that is further north: Rustavi or Poti 8.City that is further east: Gori or Batumi 9.Two countries that border Georgia 10.Importance of Mt. Elbrus 11.Capital city of Georgia 12.Approximate distance in miles from Sokhumi to Rustavi
LATITUDE = imaginary lines that measure distance north and south of the Equator LONGITUDE = imaginary lines that measure distance east and west of the Prime Meridian
Climate Zones Explained TROPICS –North and south of Equator, between 22.5°N and 22.5°S –Warmest climate region –Sun’s direct rays always shine here ARCTIC ZONES –North of 66.5°N and south of 66.5°S –Coldest climate regions –Sun’s rays are never direct/winter season has very long nights/summer has very long days TEMPERATE ZONES –Between Tropics and Arctic Zones in both hemispheres –Temperatures are moderate – neither extremely cold nor extremely hot for long periods of time