RA Presentation Template NOTE: Please refer to the “GUIDELINES FOR PRESENTING RA PLANS” and the Excel spreadsheet when preparing your presentation (delete.


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Presentation transcript:

RA Presentation Template NOTE: Please refer to the “GUIDELINES FOR PRESENTING RA PLANS” and the Excel spreadsheet when preparing your presentation (delete instructions for presentation RA Name 2009 Regional Coordination Workshop Seattle, WA August 25,

Part 1: Project Status Report Project Title ( RA Planning Grant and RCOOS) Project Investigators Project Duration: (E.g., 3 years; currently in year 2, or x months if this is a better representation of project time)

3 Project Status Report Project Schedule and Milestones – RA Planning Grant and RCOOS: List here (based on FY09 revised scope of work) Color code milestone status: green - completed; yellow – in progress; red – not started Significant Accomplishments: Accomplishments should be descriptive and based on FY08 revised scope of work

4 Keys to Success and Potential Challenges What worked well? Describe 2 or 3 key project products, technical aspects, relationships, etc. that have worked well Identify the important factors contributing to the success for each Describe potential and/or real challenges (e.g., institutional barriers, technical barriers, scientific barriers, personal, etc) Resolving challenges How might these challenges be resolved? (Besides additional financial resources) For example, are there actions that NOAA or other federal agencies could take to assist?

Current Status: Products 5 Products Level One Minimal processing Level Two Value-added RT Data Model Outputs Satellite RT Data Decision SupportMaps Time Series Ecosystem/Climate Trends Water Quality Marine Operations Coastal Hazards Directions: Place an “x” in boxes that best describe the kinds of products being developed for the focus areas. See RA Presentation guidelines for terms

Current Status: Product Examples Directions: Decision-makers (Congress, OMB, etc) want to know what IOOS is accomplishing - in terms that they can understand. Provide 1-3 of what you considered to be your most compelling user products (i.e., Level 2 products). Examples: Provide notification to the shellfish industry on possible outbreaks of harmful algal blooms so they can avoid risks to public health Provide benthic mapping to coastal managers in support of climate change preparedness Provide “one-stop-shopping” to commercial mariners on ocean and weather conditions, These will help us make the case for IOOS. (Please delete this for presentation) 6

Current Status: Observations 7 Variables/ Platforms Fixed- in water, multi- purpose Fixed- in water single purpose Fixed – on landTransects Remote Sensing Physical Meteorological Chemical Biological Geological Indicate the # of observations in each category. Color code: X# if funded exclusively by NOAA IOOS funds; X if combination of NOAA IOOS funds and other; X is non-NOAA IOOS funds

Current Status: Modeling and DMAC subsystems 8 Modeling*Region-wide**Sub-regionNot at all Atmospheric Circulation Inundation Wave Hydrological Sediment transport Water Quality/Ecosystem Fisheries DMACCompleteIn-progressNot at all RA Website that serves data DIF - working to ensure interoperability Regional Data Portal * See guidelines for definitions **Regionwide = entire RA

Map 1a: Existing Observing Assets Directions - Use a Google earth background of your region, please provide a map of your existing system using the legend provided by the sample map of SCCOOS - Consistent backgrounds and legends will enable the development of the final report. If possible, add your RA logo to the lower right side. Below is a sample map from SCCOOS. 9

Part 2: Looking Forward: Future Plans Assuming $5 million of funding per year, please indicate what your future plans are for your RA. The $5 million should cover activities currently funded by the RA Planning Grants and the RCOOS. 10

11 Products Level OneLevel Two RT Data Model Outputs Satellite RT Data Decision SupportMaps Time Series Ecosystem/Climate Trends Water Quality Marine Operations Coastal Hazards Future Plans: Major Products Check “x” all that apply. In your verbal description, you should point out the major differences between this and the current system

12 Variables/ Platforms Fixed- in water, multi- purpose Fixed- in water single purpose Fixed – on landTransects Remote Sensing Physical Meteorological Chemical Biological Geological Future Plans: Observations Indicate the # of observations needed for your system

Future Plan: Modeling and DMAC 13 Modeling*Region-wideSub-regionNot at all Atmospheric Circulation Inundation Wave Hydrologic Sediment transport Water quality/ecosystem Fisheries DMACYesIn-progressNo RA Website that serves data DIF - working to ensure interoperability Regional Data Portal * See Guidelines for definitions ** Region-wide means entire RA

Future Plans: Map 14 Instruction: Using Google earth as a background and the same legend as before - provide a general idea of the location of your proposed observing assets. See Sample map from SCCOOS

Funding Scenario 15 Briefly describe the major CUTS to the subsystem under the reduced funding scenarios Funding Scenarios$3 million$1 million Modeling Observing DMAC and Product Development RA Management and Outreach