Parts of a Map
Parts of a Map There are many important parts of a map but we will focus on six key features. They are: Map Title Compass Rose Map Key or Legend Map Scale Inset Map Locator Map
Map Title The Map Title tells you what the map is about…
Compass Rose A compass rose shows directions. It actually has 32 points but we most commonly see them with four or eight points.
Map Key or Legend The objects on a map are represented using symbols. A symbol is a picture on the map that represents something in the real world. Maps use a key, or legend to explain the meaning of each of the symbols used in the map. These keys usually show a small picture of each of the symbols used on the map, along with a written description of the meaning of each of these symbols.
Map Scale Maps are made to scale. The map scale explains the ratio of distances on a map to distances on the ground. For example, 1cm on a map might equal 100km on the ground.
Inset Maps An Inset Map is a more detailed (larger scale) representation of a specific area on a map usually placed in an uncluttered portion of the same sheet as the smaller scale main map.
Locator Map A locator map is a bit like an inset map, but it is intended to put the main map into the context of the world. It is usually seen as a globe or a continent with a highlighted area.