Support for the coordination of activities TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS Taking Account of Strategic Research Agendas in the Research Themes of the FP7 Co-operation Programme Seminar for Industrial Leaders of Technology Platforms (Brussels, 9 June, 2005) Presentation by Peter Kerr DG Research, European Commission
Support for the coordination of activities Current State of Play Considerable momentum behind the process. Around 25 technology platforms now fully operational or well advanced in being set up. But “moving target”: Other topics continue to emerge Status Report: Development of Technology Platforms
Support for the coordination of activities Status Report - Content Provides information on the development of each platform in respect of the three “STAGES” of their development. Provides the names of contact persons for each platform - both from platforms and within Commission services. Provides direct links to individual detailed web-sites of each platform.
Support for the coordination of activities Status Report - Summary Vision Documents: 18 published, 3 drafted, 4 planned Stage 1: 20 formally launched, 9 completed, 18 underway Stage 2: around 17 have published at least an advanced draft of their SRA Stage 3: preparations for implementation underway
Support for the coordination of activities FP7: « Co-operation » Programme +/- € 45 billion proposed 9 Research themes CONTENT: formulated by thematic services on the basis of a number of key inputs (own criteria, wide public consultation..) Own criteria 1. Contribution to EU policy objectives 2. European research potential 3. European added value
Support for the coordination of activities Strong input from SRAs Especially with the goal of increasing industrial participation in FP7: “The 7th Framework Programme is tailored to better meet industry’s needs. Where industrially relevant, the definition of work programmes will draw on the Strategic Research Agendas developed by industry-led technology platforms.”
Support for the coordination of activities Coverage of SRAs in Research Themes Confirmation that the vast majority of SRAs will be at least ‘broadly’ covered Around 15 SRAs are covered under a single research theme Further 10 SRAs where the coverage is spread between several research themes (“cross-cutting”)
Support for the coordination of activities Ongoing process…. Several SRAs to be completed New platforms still emerging More detailed account of SRAs will be reflected subsequently in - Specific Programmes - Work Programmes - Specific Calls for Proposals Likely mid-term review of FP7