1 Approaches for the development and dissemination of improved pro-poor technology
2 The Road Map Un-organized individuals Local markets Hunger periods Malnutrition Low economic growth Commercial operations Diversified markets Food/livelihood secure Growing income Where are you going? Organized groups New markets Food secure Better income Better skills/knowledge Few markets New income
3 The Lowlands Research Gold Mine Gulch (Golden Resource) Action and Applied Research Loop (Immediate input) Traditional Technology Transfer Valley Radio/TV
4 Getting over the first hills Extension Foothills Getting organized Building confidence and trust Building skills and knowledge Community Pathways Field Visits/Workshops Innovative Farmer Study Circles Farmer Field Schools Action Research Radio/TV
5 Community Pathways TT+ Screening varieties, composting, side dressing, demonstrations by farmers FtF/FV Farmer innovations show and tell; field visits SG Book keeping, cultural surveys FFS IPPM, dairy, poultry, processing – management issues; counter-intuitive (e.g. secondary pest, OM) - testing FFS+ Technical plus health, nutrition, literacy PAR Participatory action research; testing locally new methods/varieties; improving agronomic practices; (CIAL)
6 Farmer Field School: Structured group based learning ObservationAnalysis Presentation Synthesis/Debate More info:
7 Scaling Out/Up Local Loop Farmer led FFS Farmer to Farmer Farmer technicians Direct Pass (Do more community pathways)
8 Field Schools can become Self- financed through educational loans Ed loan fund FFS Sets up field study (inputs, land, labour, stationary) proposal Ed loan Finances facilitators Sells produce to build own fund and pay loan
9 Final Climb Beyond Extension Mountains Legalized Marketing Groups Cooperatives and Companies FFS Networks Business incubators Board Training Radio/TV
10 Indicators Research Useful practical outputs used by extension/farmers Tech Transfer Income change Tech adoption Local adaptation Community action Income/Livelihood Asset Change Technical skills Community organizational capacity Scaling up Total change Cost effectiveness Commercial Business Income Taxes Ownership/Livelihoods
11 The Road Map Un-organized individuals Local markets Hunger periods Malnutrition Low economic growth Commercial operations Diversified markets Food/livelihood secure Growing income Where are you going? Organized groups New markets Food secure Better income Better skills/knowledge Few markets New income
12 Thank you