Advances in Technology and Communication Mitch W. Kyson H. Santi S. Ammon E.
Electricity Beginning in the early 1800’s manufacturers increasingly applied the findings of science to their business, thus generating new industrial growth. The application of scientific solutions to industrial problems ad three main results. First, it encouraged the development and use of new sources of power. This was necessary for industry to grow. Second, it gave rise to inventions that could provide rapid communication over long distances. Finally, it led to the creation of new products and materials and the improvements of old ones.
The Development of Electricity As industry grew during the 1800’s manufactures continued to search for better sources of power. In 1870’s a tremendous new power source was developed.. Electricity. An English scientist named Michael Faraday made key discoveries about electricity. He also developed the first Dynamo or Electric generator.
Edison and the light bulb In 1879 an American inventor named Thomas Edison created a bulb that could glow for two days before burning out. He also created a system for successfully transmitting electricity from a central power house.
Communications The development of electrical power inspired other inventions. In the 1870’s an American inventor named Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the human voice over a long distance by means of an electrical circuit through a wire. In 1895 an Italian named Guglielmo Marconi Developed a way to send messages through space without wires.
The Internal Combustion Engine 1800’s. The first electric motor was invented. Was useful, but had to stay connected to power source. Called this because of the Combustion, or burning, of fuel that took place inside a cylinder. ( Opposite of steam engine) Charles and Frank Duryea built the first successful gasoline automobile Wright Brothers first successful flight