Podcasting By: Charlotte Haughwout EDUC-7101-2/EDUC-8841-2 Diffusion and Integration of Technology in Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Podcasting By: Charlotte Haughwout EDUC /EDUC Diffusion and Integration of Technology in Education

Need People are able to take lectures, training sessions, and music anywhere with them. Share audio content through the World Wide Web

Research Dave Winer- creator of news feed technology (RSS) Adam Curry- came up with the idea to automate the delivery and syncing of this content to portable audio players

Development Problems in the beginning: readers had to regularly check for new MP3 files, visit the website, download and sync to device by hand while RSS feeds already supported media resources, applications rarely took advantage of this development

Intended audience BusinessesStudents Yes, even pets Colleges and Universities Teachers EVERYONE!!

Commercialization Production- the use of RSS feeds Distribution-the use of the Internet and blogs to post podcasts Marketing- iTunes is an application used for storing, downloading, and organizing podcasts Packaging- MP3 devices

Innovation-Decision Process KnowledgePersuasion ConfirmationImplementation Decision 2000 The first system enabled automatic downloading Process of using enclosures in RSS feeds was proposed- implemented by David Winer David Winer incorporated element feature in Weblog. David Winer creates a special RSS with enclosure feed for colleagues and challenges others to do the same. First Weblogger conference held. The media-in- news feed idea was picked up by multiple developer groups Adam Curry launched a mailing list, bringing even more attention to the podcasting developer projects in progress Apple adds podcasting to iTunes. White House adds RSS feeds to its webpage for President’s weekly radio address. Podcast was named word of the year. Duke University provides all new students with iPods. Widespread acceptance that podcasts has commercial potential. Canadian Prime Minister becomes first government to issue a podcast.

S-Curve Year Adoption of Podcasting Innovators Early Majority Early adopters Laggards Late Majority

Perceived Attributes Innovators and Early Adopters- Innovators and early adopters at the elementary level will be the teachers who are comfortable with technology and not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and try new technologies. The innovator will import the innovation from outside of the system’s boundaries. The early adopters are leaders and role models for other members of the social system.

Perceived Attributes Laggards- The laggards at the elementary level are the teachers who do not see technology as a tool for learning and have no interest in implementing it into their classroom. However, once the laggards see the success of using podcasts in the classroom and the benefits it will have for students, they will eventually adopt the concept.

Meeting Critical Mass In order for podcasts in education to meet critical mass it will be important that the early adopters provide positive feedback and place their “stamp of approval” on podcasting by adopting it before the laggards will jump on board. They are both very important components in podcasts meeting critical mass in the classroom.

Decentralized Approach A decentralized approach would work best for the adoption of Podcasting. Participants who use Podcasting in the classroom and in schools, will be able to share information with each other in order to reach a mutual understanding. This will help meet the individual needs with the users. Teachers will have to work closely together to help each other with technical issues that may arise when creating Podcasts.

Proposed Change Agents The key change agents in my organization will be the teachers who use and implement Podcasts into the classroom. Teachers will be able to show how using Podcasts can help provide students with additional support for learning new content. Teachers will also be mentors to other teachers new to Podcasts.

Has Critical Mass Been Met? Podcasting has reached critical mass in society. Users can subscribe to millions of Podcasts for all different types of content. Podcasts are used in the business world, educational world, and used personally. The concept of on the go learning, training, and listening has appealed to many!

Why Should We Podcast? Podcasting will help us meet the diverse needs of our students through the use of technology. As teachers, we strive to meet our students’ needs and by implementing Podcasting technology we will be able to meet that need and additional support for our students. We need to stop competing with the technology our students use everyday and start embracing its potential in helping our students to become successful citizens in the digital age.