Weather and its Impact on Aviation Operations National Weather Service Hastings, Nebraska Kearney Explorers Club November 21, 2006
High and Low Pressure Systems
Cold and Warm Fronts
Density Altitude
Wind Shear
Change in wind speed and direction as you go higher in the atmosphere – Changes are sometimes very abrupt Low level wind shear – Horizontal winds – Vertical winds
Aircraft Icing
Disrupts smooth flow of air over wing surfaces and around airplane parts that stick out – Decreases lift – Adds weight to aircraft Icing prevention – On the ground De-icing procedure – In the air Avoiding clouds with temperatures and humidities which lead to ice buildups
Thunderstorm Hazards Downburst winds Hail Reduced visibilities
Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts
Airport specific forecasts within 5 miles of the center of the airport for a 24-hour period Weather elements – Wind and wind shear – Cloud levels – Precipitation / fog / dust / sand – Visibility – Probability of precipitation toward the end of the forecast
Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts TAF GRI Z KT P6SM SKC FM KT P6SM SKC FM KT P6SM SKC FM KT P6SM FEW250 FM0400 VRB03KT P6SM SCT250
Regional Airports
NWS Hastings TAF Site Grand Island (KGRI) – Located 2 miles east-northeast of Grand Island – Elevation: 1846 ft. MSL
NWS Hastings TAF Site Grand Island (KGRI) – Airport is serviced by an ASOS Augmentation of observations is performed by Grand Island Control Tower personnel from 0600 to 2200 local time Occurrences of precipitation or thunderstorms are manually appended to observations as a remark
NWS Hastings TAF Site Grand Island (KGRI) – Main forecast considerations Diurnal pressure gradient winds Thunderstorm intensities during convective season Low ceilings/visibilities during stratiform precipitation events Radiation Fog
Transcribed Weather Broadcasts
Weather forecasts for expected conditions 25 miles on either side of specified routes of flight (50 mile-wide corridor) 12-hour forecast
Regional Airports
TWEB 261 KOMA-KGRI-KLBF TWEB 261 KOMA-KGRI-KLBF Combines regional surface observations (METARs) and terminal forecasts (TAFs) – METARs: Omaha, Offutt AFB, Council Bluffs (IA), Millard, Fremont, Lincoln, Columbus, York, Aurora, Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney, Broken Bow, Lexington, North Platte – TAFs: Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, North Plattte
TWEB 261 KOMA-KGRI-KLBF Prevailing conditions defined for entire route or portions of the route – Logical separation of meteorological occurrences Pre-frontal conditions Post-frontal conditions Airmass thunderstorms Surface gradient winds > 25 knots Low level wind shear
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