TCP/IP Model of Networking
TCP/IP Model - Layers Access Internet Transport Application
TCP/IP and Protocols Application Layer HTTP, HTTPSFTP, TFTPDHCP, DNSPOP3, SMTP, IMAP
TCP/IP and Protocols Transport Layer TCPUDP
TCP/IP and Protocols Internet Layer IPICMP
TCP/IP and Protocols Access Layer EthernetWiFiPoint to Point
TCP/IP and Functions Application Layer Data is created and usedClient and/or Server Software
Client Server Networks
TCP/IP and Functions Transport Layer TCP – 3 Way HandshakeUDP – Request, Send
3 Way Handshake Request OK, Here are my Rules OK, Fine OK, Here are my Rules Data
TCP/IP and Functions Internet Layer IP - Addressing of NodesIP – Best Path DeliveryICMP – Diagnostic and ID
TCP/IP and Functions Access Layer Local Delivery
TCP/IP and Encapsulation Application Layer Produces DataEncryption, Compression
TCP/IP and Encapsulation Transport Layer Segments DataPort Numbers Added
Well Know Port Numbers ApplicationPort Number FTP20, 21 Telnet23 SMTP25 DNS53 TFTP69 HTTP80 HTTPS443 DHCP546, 547
TCP/IP and Encapsulation Internet Layer Adds IP AddressesNow called a Packet
Socket IP Address: Port Number Or URL: Port Number
TCP/IP and Encapsulation Access Layer Adds MAC Address for local deliveryNow called a Frame
TCP/IP and Dencapsulation Access Layer Reads MAC AddressChecks for ErrorsShould I read it?
TCP/IP and Decapsulation Internet Layer Reads IP AddressShould I read it?
TCP/IP and Decapsulation Transport Layer Reads Port NumberTCP – Put message togetherWhich App should I send it to?
TCP/IP and Decapsulation Application Layer Uses Data
There and Back Again