“Leveraging Longevity” Insights from a Career on Wall Street Samuel P. Peluso
Who Am I? * * And why the hell should you listen to me? Retail Sales (In Newark, NJ) Government Trading Floor- NYC Federal Financing Dept. (SBA) National Product Mgmt. Head of Retail Gov’t. Bond Trading Desk Created Risk Management Dept. (FL.) Securities-Based Lending (FL.) 43 YEAR CAREER ON WALL STREET!
1. Know Yourself and Your Personality— Cut With the Grain, Not Against it! It’s Not Easy, But It’s a Great First Step. 2. Don’t Go It Alone- Building Support by Being Supportive Yourself. How Did I Last So Long??
3. Reinvent Yourself Even If You STAY in the Same Job! Changes WILL Happen Apply for a job believing its your last 4. Don't be discouraged when others get promotions and raises It will happen regardless of your opinion, or others. Remember you are always interviewing How Did I Last So Long??
5. Advancing Internally vs. Job to Job Do I Stay or Do I Go? 6. LEADERSHIP, MENTORSHIP and TRAINING- My Success Came from Others Being Successful Engage all age groups How Did I Last So Long??
Am I A Good Candidate for Wall St? Know Yourself and Your Personality How Do I Handle Stress? Am I a Team Player? Am I a People Person? Am I Detailed Oriented and a Multi-Tasker?
Am I A Good Candidate for Wall St? Know yourself and your personality! Am I Opinionated? Can I Deal With Cycles (i.e., business, employment, compensation?) Am I Patient? Am I Competitive? Can I Be Political?
It Continues to Consolidate Learned and Still Learning Hard Lessons HR and Legal/Compliance Call Shots Fewer Employees More Service Oriented-Better Educated Today’s Wall Street
More Government Restrictions Under Federal Reserve Control Tarnished Reputation US Not the Only Market Can't be All Things to All People Today’s Wall Street
Thank you for your attention. Best of luck in your careers! Are There Any Questions?