2009-2015. “Early identification of developmental disorders is critical to the well-being of children and their families. It is an integral function of.


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Presentation transcript:

“Early identification of developmental disorders is critical to the well-being of children and their families. It is an integral function of the primary care medical home and an appropriate responsibility of all pediatric health care professionals. American Academy of Pediatrics.”

Getting Started : Who will help? Find the group that will be the driving force for this event. The agencies that would typically come together to provide this would be: the school system, Early Steps, Children’s Medical Services, County Health departments, Healthy Start, Head Start and Early Learning Coalition. Many of these agencies come together for some type of interagency meeting and this would be a good place to start.

Three Big Roles: Who will do What? Media Coordinator: This individual designs the flyer, contacts the newspapers and TV stations to set up interviews and community announcements and helps reach out to individuals in the community to help advertise the event. Volunteer Coordinator: This individual develops the MOA (suggested form included), sends it out to all possible participants and is the person the MOA is returned to. This individual keeps track of all the volunteers and notes any areas of need. Child Screen Coordinator: This individual has ultimate responsibility for the entire event but also is the one who coordinates taking the appointments for children to be screened, making the folders for each child to be screened, confirming appointments, and doing the follow-up after the screen takes place. This person should have access to staff that can assist with the completion of the above tasks.

Three Months Before Screen Determine partners for screen and secure logos (this will help you build your letterhead for future communications). Set a tentative date. Find a site. (Preferably one that has smaller office-like spaces for ease with screening and a larger space for registration. Churches can be an option as well as clinics in health departments.) Determine what will be screened and what instruments will be used. Solicit donation for morning coffee, snack and lunch for volunteers and a snack for the children to be screened. Reach out to media to schedule possible interviews, articles and/or community announcements for 3 weeks prior to the event. Solicit donations for children’s books and toys to hand out at the event.

Get People Involved!

Get the Word Out

1 Month Prior to Screen Set up procedure in the office that will be taking appointments (Forms: Screening Script, telephone interview) Train individuals in the office that will be making the appointments Send out the flyer to all partners and MOA volunteers and ask that they share with clients. Ask elementary principals to share with their parents, post in grocery stores and clinics. Map out site (CMS site map is an example) Recruit volunteers for set up and break down Make signs and name tags Set up child folders ( Forms: Folder checklist, photo release, perm to use info for research, any additional permissions that may be needed)

2 Weeks Prior to Screen Mail packets to parents that already have appointments ( Appointment confirmation letter, Registration form, Additional child form, and map) Clean or obtain toys for wait rooms Review flow chart and determine gaps in recruited volunteers, reach out to fill gaps Send out confirmation to all volunteers Send lists to school child find and Early Steps to make sure clients are not scheduled for appointments. Confirm food for volunteers and children

1 Week Prior Complete sending out packets to parents Make child folders Begin calling parents to confirm appointments, pull wait list children if cancellations and the parents the forms Type up final appointment list and referral check list Send final copy to Child Find and Early Steps Pull age appropriate forms if using Make copies of site map and station description for volunteer sign in. Send out final reminder to volunteers

The Day Before Print name tags for children Finalize appointment list and referral list Put all folders in box to transfer to screening site Pull together signs and volunteer name tags Set up site if possible Conduct a walk-through of site If possible have all resource tables set up

The Big Day Make sure all volunteers are there at least one hour prior to your first appointment Parking should be open for families, make sure volunteers park so families have easy access Critical stations: Registration, check in prior to resource room, final check out. Have fun!

The Monday After Put files in alpha order Double check all referrals with the child’s screen form Copy registration and screening results form ( except Pass) and put into appropriate piles Make pediatrician lists Mail copies to appropriate agencies

Communication with the Doctor Pediatrician letter Copy of Summary Form (make sure parent has signed it) Date of next screen if known Child Find brochure

Within in two weeks of the screen Track numbers and enter into data bases volunteers Thank You Contact no shows Compile feedback forms Enter demographics into CHRIS if appropriate

Lessons we have learned Take input and keep making it better Find a way to manage the time volunteers have to give within your timeframe Make sure to consider family and child needs first. Be flexible, the event should match the space you are in and the skills of your volunteers

624 Children Screened

Thanks to our Community Screening Project Sponsors :  Children’s Medical Services – Whole Child Leon- Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System-Capital Area Chapter of the Florida Association for Infant Mental Health- Leon County Schools  Children’s Home Society Early Steps and Family Connections Programs- Early Learning Coalition- Brehon Institute for Family Services. Leon County Health Department, Dr. Edward Zapert-Dr. Jean Pierre Bastien of the local Dental Association

Thanks to our Community Screening Project Sponsors ( Continued ):  Florida State University: College of Communication Disorders- Autism Institute, First Words/CARD, School of Medecine  Apalachee Mental Health Center-Department of Children and Families-Capital Area Healthy Start Coalition  Technical Assistance and Training System Project-Tallahassee Community College-Early Head Start-Boys Town of North Florida  Tallahassee Democrat-WTXL-WCTV - Costco