Pupil of the month Primary 1BM January 2013 For always displaying such a pleasant manner and demonstrating a great ability to listen attentively and follow instructions accurately.
Pupil of the month Primary 1M January 2013 For his improved attitude to his work, trying his best to do difficult things.
Pupil of the month Primary 2 January 2013 For continuous effort with all classroom tasks and for showing great care and consideration towards others.
Pupil of the month Primary 2/3 January 2013 for her consistent good manners, hard work and kind nature. She is always keen to help those around her and her teacher!
Pupil of the month Primary 3 January 2013 For improved concentration and listening skills! She is working hard to keep all the golden rules.
Pupil of the month Primary 4 January 2013 for exemplary behaviour in the classroom and during playtime. She has produced some wonderful pieces of work during creative writing. She ensures her writing includes interesting wow words and gripping sentence openers. Your stories are always a joy to read, well done!
Pupil of the month Primary 5 January 2013 A hard working pupil who does her best on a daily basis. She has a lovely personality and is always smiling. A very polite pupil with lovely manners who is always happy to help others.
Pupil of the month Primary 5/6 January 2013 A perfect P6 angel! He always works to his best in all subjects. Your teacher is very proud of you.
Pupil of the month Primary 7 January 2013 For enthusiastic work, especially in his maths. He has lovely manners. Well done.