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This is what the MODAL VERBSmüssen and sollen look like if you use them in the PRESENT TENSE
müssen ich du Sie er/sie/es wir ihr sie muss muss müss muss müss müss müss t en t (to have to) (I have to/I must)
sollen ich du Sie er/sie/es wir ihr sie soll soll soll soll soll soll soll st en t (to be supposed to) (I am supposed to)
Lets have a look at the following: THE PRESENT TENSE THE PRESENT TENSE using MODAL VERBS
Ichbringedie Kinder The Present Tense (I put the children to bed) TRANSFORMATION – Present Tense Pr. T. Modal verbs Ichdie Kinder Ich muss die Kinder bringen The Present Tense with Modal verbs (I have to put the children to bed) ins Bett
Have you noticed…..? Ich bringe becomes Ich muss…bringen 1. Find the correct form of the MODAL verb for Ich which is muss 2. Send the INFINITIVE (here: bringen) to the END OF THE SENTENCE!!!!!
IchschreibeBestellungen The Present Tense (I write down orders) TRANSFORMATION – Present Tense Pr. T. Modal verbs IchBestellungen Ich soll Bestellungen schreiben The Present Tense with Modal verbs (I am supposed to write down orders) auf auf
Have you noticed…..? PRESENT TENSE The verb aufschreiben was split and the prefix auf went to the END OF THE SENTENCE. This is because it is a separable verb! In a sentence with a MODAL VERB, the prefix auf is re-united with the main part of the verb schreiben and BOTH go to the END OF THE SENTENCE, i.e. Ich muss….aufschreiben