Expanding School Resources Dr. Len Elovitz
Privileged-Based Taxation Fees assessed for users of specific government services Should schools be able to charge students for: Extracurricular Activities Summer School Textbooks Field Trips Uniforms Supplemental materials – lab supplies, etc. Music lessons What about the parents’ ability to pay?
Would such policies result in diminished student Participation? How about negative public relations?
What about the use of school facilities by community groups? Utilities Custodians What about groups from outside of the community?
NJ Constitution “The Legislature shall provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools for the instruction of all the children in the State between the ages of five and eighteen years.”
Legal Test Is it a “necessary or integral part” of the educational program (T&E). Activities Vs. Summer School
Hidden Costs Administration of program How much to charge Collecting fees Waiver process Delayed activities Dealing with non-payment
Investments Restricted by code Funds should never be idle. Transfer to checking when needed not before
Impact Fees Charged to developers Can be cash or facilities
Parents & Local Citizens Volunteerism Fund raising Donations
Public-Private Partnerships What’s in it for Schools? What’s in it for Business? What about Colleges?
Educational Foundations Expands the capacity of individual fund- raising efforts. Professional fund raising
Grants State and Federal Private Formula Competitive Matching
Shared Services Personnel Child Study Teams SBA’s Superintendents Maintenance Athletic Teams Transportation
Business Services Cooperative Purchasing Insurance co-ops.
Types of Districts Type 1 Fiscally Dependent Appointed Board Type 2 Fiscally Dependent Elected Board Hybrids
District Organization Regular PK-12 Regular Elementary Sending – Receiving Regional – Full purpose Limited Purpose Special Purpose County Vocationals Special Ed Commissions Non-Operating
Regionalization & Consolidation