Student Organization Finances Center for Student Activities and Leadership Development Demetrius Murchison, Accounting Clerk
Your Account Numbers Your SAFB and FLEX account numbers are listed on your organization’s profile page. Your SAFB and FLEX account numbers are listed on your organization’s profile page. Only viewable by individuals who have administrative access Only viewable by individuals who have administrative access
SAFB Account Used for a specific purpose Used for a specific purpose Request allocation through Student Activities Funding Board for approval Request allocation through Student Activities Funding Board for approval NO funding is automatic; you must apply NO funding is automatic; you must apply CANNOT deposit into this account CANNOT deposit into this account Unused funds are called back each semester Unused funds are called back each semester All questions about SAFB funding must be directed to the SAFB Chair – NOT the Accounting Clerk All questions about SAFB funding must be directed to the SAFB Chair – NOT the Accounting Clerk
SAFB Funding and Payment Deadlines If you have received funding and have submitted a Payment/Reimbursement Form or completed an order/payment before the deadline, you can use current funds. If you have received funding and have not submitted a Payment/Reimbursement Form or completed an order/payment before the deadline, you cannot use current funds. If you have not received funding before the deadline and you have completed an order/payment, the payment will be covered either by your FLEX account or out of your pocket, since you will be personally responsible. If there is a Payment/Reimbursement Form submitted and approved, I will submit the payment and charge the provided fund number, regardless if there is funding in the account or not.
FLEX Account Deposit fundraising monies, dues, etc. at the CSA Service Window Deposit fundraising monies, dues, etc. at the CSA Service Window When you deposit money using a credit or debit card, there will be a 5% charge to cover the variable credit card fee. Generally this is a 2-4% fee; therefore, all remaining monies will be deposited into the account. When you deposit money using a credit or debit card, there will be a 5% charge to cover the variable credit card fee. Generally this is a 2-4% fee; therefore, all remaining monies will be deposited into the account. Funds can be used at the discretion of the organization and in accordance with University and CSA Policies & Procedures. Funds can be used at the discretion of the organization and in accordance with University and CSA Policies & Procedures. “Your money”, however you cannot withdraw money from this account “Your money”, however you cannot withdraw money from this account
FLEX Account Deposits Deposits can be made at the CSA Service Window Deposits can be made at the CSA Service Window 9am-5:00pm: Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri. 9am-6:30pm: Wed. Deposit Cash within 24 hours of receipt Deposit Cash within 24 hours of receipt Deposit Checks within 3 days of receipt Deposit Checks within 3 days of receipt Checks must be made payable to Oakland University Checks must be made payable to Oakland University Only checks dated within 30 days of deposit will be accepted Only checks dated within 30 days of deposit will be accepted
Account Summaries FLEX (EARNED) Dues Fund raising Working at the carnival Donation Student organization awards Balance rolls over month to monthSAFB (REQUESTED) Discretionary/Operational Allocation for specific events or purposes Unused funding will be called back to SAFB Deadlines for applying/using funds: Fall = December 1 Winter = April 1 Summer = August 1
Deficit It is paramount to keep your accounts in good standing. It is paramount to keep your accounts in good standing. Having a negative balance, in either of your accounts, subjects the organization to a withholding of services and SAFB funding. Having a negative balance, in either of your accounts, subjects the organization to a withholding of services and SAFB funding. If you believe that a charge has been made in error, please resolve immediately; otherwise, you may not be eligible for funding if this leaves your account in deficit. If you believe that a charge has been made in error, please resolve immediately; otherwise, you may not be eligible for funding if this leaves your account in deficit.
Banner Statements Banner statements contain all financial transactions for a specific account within a specific period of time (fiscal year = 7/1 thru 6/30) Banner statements contain all financial transactions for a specific account within a specific period of time (fiscal year = 7/1 thru 6/30) At the end of each month, SAFB and FLEX statements will be put into your mailbox in the CSA. At the end of each month, SAFB and FLEX statements will be put into your mailbox in the CSA. It is the student organization’s responsibility to track all financial activity in both accounts, including all funding activity. It is the student organization’s responsibility to track all financial activity in both accounts, including all funding activity.
Payment/Reimbursement Form President or Treasurer fills out form on GrizzOrgs Attach invoices, links, or photos to the request. Put detailed information in the comment section. The other officer approves the form Please read over everything before approving There will be no payment until the other officer approves. Accounting Clerk makes payment when invoice or receipt is received Food involved: Will need list of attendees and original receipts before processing Sent to Accounts Payable for processing Payment for Product or Service
Payment/Reimbursement Form If reimbursement is more than $200, then see Accounting Clerk Accounting Clerk will make purchase instead. President or Treasurer fills out form on GrizzOrgs Attach invoices, links, or photos to the request. Put detailed information in the comment section. The other officer approves the form Please read over everything before approving. There will be no payment until the other officer approves. Accounting Clerk makes payment when invoice or receipt is received, and when form is signed by receiver Food involved: Will need list of attendees and original receipts before processing Sent to Accounts Payable for processing Reimbursement monies are distributed the same way refunds are distributed from financial aid. If you have Direct Deposit set up in Financial Aid, reimbursements will be direct deposited. Reimbursement<$200
Travel Expense/Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Forms are due to Accounts Payable within 60 days of return from travel. Fill out the Mileage Reimbursement Form on GrizzOrgs as soon as possible. Travelers must choose the most cost efficient ground transportation method once they arrive in their business location. Drive/Fly Comparison The airfare comparison must have been obtained at least 2 weeks prior to travel and the traveler must provide proof of the amount used. This comparison should be obtained from a site like Expedia or Orbitz to get an accurate gauge. The traveler’s reimbursement will be limited to the cheaper option of the two. Rental Vehicles The use of a rental vehicle will only be approved when it is the lowest cost alternative or when it is a business necessity. If it is the most economical transportation option, you must provide a summary of what public transportation or personal vehicle mileage would cost, completed with website screen shots or something similar, as supporting documentation.
Travel Expense/Reimbursement Plan trip in advance Secure permission with Allison. Accounting Clerk will give per diem amounts to Jean Ann for travel advance, if applicable. Go on trip President or Treasurer fills out form on GrizzOrgs Attach invoices, receipts, itinerary, or conference schedule to the request. Put detailed information in the comment section. The other officer approves the form Please read over everything before approving. There will be no payment until the other officer approves. Accounting Clerk makes payment when all paperwork is received, and when form is signed by receiver SAFB does not reimburse personal food, lodging, or travel expenses for conferences. Sent to Accounts Payable for processing Reimbursement monies are distributed the same way refunds are distributed from financial aid. If you have Direct Deposit set up in Financial Aid, reimbursements will be direct deposited.
Petty Cash Requests must be submitted at least 48 hours before the date needed; available funds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds can be charged to the SAFB or FLEX account, as approved. The maximum you can receive is $100. Provide original receipts, paid for by cash, and remaining cash within 24 hours after purchase.
Petty Cash Request at least two business days in advance President or Treasurer fills out form on GrizzOrgs Put detailed information in the comment section. The other officer approves the form Please read over everything before approving. There will be no payment until the other officer approves. Pick up cash and sign petty cash form in CSA Accounting Clerk makes payment when all paperwork is received Expense may take up to two months for it show up in the account. Food involved: Will need list of attendees and original receipts before processing Sent to Accounts Payable for processing
Sam’s Club One representative from each organization will be authorized to use CSA’s Sam’s Club card. Must bring receipt to CSA the next day. It takes 24 to 48 hours for names to be authorized to use CSA’s Sam’s Club card.
Sam’s Club Request to be added to authorized list Accounting Clerk approves Fill out Payment/Reim bursement Form Other officer approves Purchase goods from Sam’s Club Go to store, show ID, and they will give you CSA card Accounting Clerk makes payment when all paperwork is received Expense may not show up in the system for a two month time period Food involved: Will need list of attendees and original receipts before processing Sent to Accounts Payable for processing when Sam’s Club statement is received
Purchases Lead Time (14 business days, MINIMUM, from the time that you contact me following SAFB approval) Lead Time (14 business days, MINIMUM, from the time that you contact me following SAFB approval) W-9 (Federal Tax ID) form from ALL vendors W-9 (Federal Tax ID) form from ALL vendors Certificates of Liability Insurance (for ALL food and service-oriented vendors from off campus) Certificates of Liability Insurance (for ALL food and service-oriented vendors from off campus) P-Card Purchases P-Card Purchases Detroit Pencil Company for Office Supplies Detroit Pencil Company for Office Supplies Can be used for conferences or other on-line purchases Can be used for conferences or other on-line purchases OU & CSA Policies and Procedures OU & CSA Policies and Procedures
Things to Remember Use the “Checkbook” feature to help you manage your finances. Use the “Checkbook” feature to help you manage your finances. First make sure you have the funding before submitting payments or ordering, then fill out the Payment/Reimbursement Form for processing. First make sure you have the funding before submitting payments or ordering, then fill out the Payment/Reimbursement Form for processing. Always give the Accounting Clerk your original receipts. Always give the Accounting Clerk your original receipts. When receiving your current balances concerning your accounts, remember that the balances may not include all expenses. This is why you should keep track of all your upcoming income and expenses, so there will be no confusion. When receiving your current balances concerning your accounts, remember that the balances may not include all expenses. This is why you should keep track of all your upcoming income and expenses, so there will be no confusion. PEPSI PRODUCTS ONLY – AQUAFINA WATER PEPSI PRODUCTS ONLY – AQUAFINA WATER
Important Contacts and Websites Oakland Center Reservations Office 118 Oakland Center Phone: Oakland University Mail Services 12 Police and Support Services (PSS) Building Phone: Fax: s/mail-services/mailreq/ Chartwells Food Service 121 A Oakland Center Phone: Fax: Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB) 62 Oakland Center Phone: Oakland University Printing Services 16 Police and Support Services (PSS) Building Phone: Fax: printing-services/ PC MAC
Center for Student Activities and Leadership Development 49 Oakland Center General Information:(248) Fax:(248) Accounting:(248) Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thu. – 1pm-4pm Tues. & Fri.– 9am-noon Tues. & Fri.– 9am-noon Contact Information
Stewardship When you learn to properly manage the little you have, you will manage much more! Planning precedes success!