FINAL WORLD CUP 2010 VS WhaT is the score???
What is the kind of animal can predict the winner??? Paul The Octopus
Phylum Mollusca
Mollusca molluscus means soft, are group of soft-body animals. Second largest phylum in the animal kingdom A milimeter till 18 meter length. Occur in a wide variety of environments CHARACTERISTICS
CHARACTERISTIC General Body Plan Head Ventrally located muscular foot Dorsally located visceral mass Covered by a fleshy outgrowth of the body wall called a mantle/pallium Radula a tongue-like structure bearing transvers rows of chitinous teeth (except for bivalves) Complete digestive tract, mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and anus. Gonads in visceral mass
Skeletal Skeletal- Mantle may secretes a shell. Use hydrostatic pressure for ventral muscular foot. Muscles Muscles -Ventral muscular foot and other muscles present. Digestive Digestive- complete complex with salivary glands, digestive gland and Rasping tongue (Radula). Circulatoryn Circulatory System Circulatory - Open Circulatory System except for Cephalopoda. Dorsal heart, usually in a pericardial cavity. Respiratory Respiratory - Ctenidia (gills) in mantle cavity, respiratory pigment. System Function
Excretory Excretory- by nephridia act as kidney usually connecting to the pericardial cavity, Nervous Nervous - Nerve ring with various pairs of ganglia—two pairs of nerve cords, one innervating the foot, the other the visceral mass (modified ventral ladder-like system) Integumentary Integumentary - Mantle Endocrine Endocrine - nervous systems produces hormones. Reproductive Reproductive - varied- monoecious, or dioecious. Larva in marine = trochophore and veliger, in freshwater clam is glochidium.
1.Class Gastropoda 2.Class Bivalvia 3.Class Cephalopoda CLASSIFICATION
Class Gastropoda Gastropoda gaster=belly, podos=food Members usually sluggish and sedentary Mostly with asymmetrical bodies Move couse muscular contraction, that satrt from posterior till anterior Univalves, Shell usually spiral, distinct head, scraping radula. Visceral mass typically turned 180° counterclockwise = torsion.
General Stucture of Gastropoda
RADULA Toothed chitinous ribbon in the mouth of most mollusks used for cutting and chewing food before it enters the esophagus It is present in all molluscs except bivalves
Pila (freshwater kuhol) Class Gastropoda
Haliotis (abalone); Class Gastropoda
Turbo (turban snailClass Gastropoda
Cypraea (cowries) Class Gastropoda
Nudibranchs Spanish shawl Sea slug
Class Bivalvia / Pelecypoda Bivalvia bi= two, valvia=valve Hatchet/axe shaped foot in burrowers Head lacks eyes, radula and tentacles Shell of two lateral valves, with dorsal hinge. Mantle of flattened right and left lobes. Posterior margin commonly forming siphons Labial palps beside mouth Has ligament at dorsal end, act as hinge Bivalve shell composed of periostracum, prismatic, nacreus layer.
Tridacna (giant clam) Class Bivalvia
Spondylus (scallop) Class Bivalvia S. princeps
Chlamys (scallop) Class Bivalvia C. islandicus C. swifti
Perna (mussel) Class Bivalvia P. veridis
Anodonta (freshwater clam) Class Bivalvia A. suborbiculata A. anatina
Class Cephalopoda Cephalopoda chepalo= head, podos=food Free-swimming Fast moving Active carnivores Elongated body Skeleton may be external, internal or absent Foot developed into prehensile arms or tentacles Large head with conspicuous eyes Ventral foot modified into tentacles(are arms) with suckers
Class Cephalopoda Well-defined head Complex eyes Brain in cartilaginous cranium (+) radula Beak-like jaws Tentacles surrounding mouth
Loligo (squid) Class Cephalopoda
The Role of Mollusca for Human A high-protein source Jewelry such as pearl oyster Decoration and buttons such as the shell of rock oyster Terrazo materials such as the shell of Tricadacna sp