Chapter 18 Section 2 Progressive Legislation
Summarize the Progressives’ views on regulating business. Progressives sought government regulation to protect workers’ rights and business competition. They opposed government control
Social Welfare Program Progressives believed that government ought to increase its responsibility for the well-being of people Social welfare programs would help insure a minimum standard of living
Municipal Many of the earliest Progressive reforms were made at the
Give examples of government reforms and social welfare programs at the municipal and state levels during the progressive era. Municipal- public baths in Detroit; free kindergarten in Toledo
Home Rule A system that gives cities a limited degree of self-rule
Direct Primary An election in which
Initiative A process in which citizens can put a proposed new law
Describe the effect of each of these reforms: a.)home rule; b.)direct relief; c.) initiative. Home rule- frees cities from domination by state governments Direct primary– Initiative-
Referendum A process that allows
Recall Procedure that permits
Holding Company A firm that buys up stocks and bonds of smaller companies
What reforms did Theodore Roosevelt achieve under his square deal? Antitrust activism; railroad regulation; transforming Interstate Commerce Commission into first regulatory agency;
Constitutional amendments passed during the Progressive Era and how they expanded the role of government in citizens’ lives. 16 th Amendment- 17 th Amendment 18 th Amendment- 19 th Amendment-