Topic I Introduction to Public Administration DR. Hala Elhelaly
Defining Public Administration The definition of Public Administration Political Definitions of Public Admin. Legal Definitions of Public Admin. Managerial Definitions of Public Admin. Occupational Definitions of Public Admin.
Political Definitions What Government Does Totality of Day to Day Activities Direct and/or Indirect Provider Phase in Policymaking Cycle Implementing the Public Interest Doing Collectively what cannot be done Individually
Legal Definitions Is Law In Action Is Regulation Is the King’s Largesse Is Theft
Managerial Definitions Is Executive function Is A Management Specialty Is Mickey Mouse Is Science and Art
Occupational Definitions An Occupational Category An Essay Contest Idealism in Action An Academic Field Is A Profession
CONCLUSION Public Administration is the device used to reconcile bureaucracy with democracy. It is a broad-ranging and shapeless combination of theory and practice.
CONCLUSION Its purpose is to promote a superior understanding of government and its relationship with the society it governs, as well as to encourage public policies to be more responsive to social need and to institute managerial practices attained to effectiveness, efficiency, and the deeper human requisites of the citizenry.
CONCLUSION In considering the significance of administration, it is interesting to reflect that the importance of planning, co-ordination and control has been recognized from very early times. The tasks performed by modern administrators have been carried on throughout history.
SUMMARY The most fundamental public benefit in any society is the preservation of human life, and only government is responsible for safeguarding its citizens. When government fails to protect its people, its relevance is reasserted by default.
SUMMARY So the point here is that, government is essential for the creation of basic public benefits. To sum up, it may be said that Public Administration is the non-political machinery of the government carrying on its work for the welfare of the people according to the laws set up by the state.