EMU Department of General Education Orientation
About the General Education Department Established in Around 75 full-time academic staff. Provides language, service, and elective courses. Organizes educational and cultural events across the university.
Vision To develop in EMU students the skills, knowledge and attitudes as described in the European Framework for Key Competences:
Communication in the Mother Tongue
Communication in Foreign Languages ENGLISH French German Spanish Russian Italian Greek
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology;
Digital competence;
Learning to learn
Social and civic competences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
oCultural awareness and expression.
SPIKE Broaden intellectual horizons through participation in the SPIKE programme, which provides a wide variety of cultural and educational events throughout the duration of their studies.
Elective Courses Develop general knowledge, awareness and skills through the University Elective programme.
GEED Courses Develop and broaden critical thinking skills, study skills, and communication skills and further develop knowledge and awareness, and study skills through the Arguments and Knowledge (GEED) programme.
Language Skills Develop English language skills for both general and specific academic purposes through the English language courses offered, and acquire the basics of a second foreign language through second foreign language electives
GE Aims Provide a rich choice of courses and approaches. Keep class size down Encourage active student participation in lessons. Provide support services. Enhance awareness of developments in European higher educational arena. Exploit technology in both the teaching and learning processes.
Department of General Education