Implementation of Innovations at FSMN by Miroslav Ćirić & Predrag Krtolica
Contents Short History Principles Subjects Open Questions Conclusion
Short History 3 years ago TEMPUS project CD JEP – 2001 was started. We planed to reorganize our CS studies only in few subjects. This includes: –changes in some subjects syllabi, –introducing new subjects, –producing the supporting material, –purchasing equipment, and –staff retraining.
Short History So far, we have reorganized courses in Data Structures & Data Bases and Computer Systems. Also we have introduced new courses in: –Information Technologies, –Intagrated Software Packages, –Informatics Didactics, –Security and Cryptography, –Business Informatics.
Short History Lecture presentations and/or teaching material are posed at faculty WEB site for a number of subjects: –Data Structures & Data Bases, –Computer Systems, –Operating Systems, –Parallel processing, –Integrated Software Packages, –Mathematical Logic, –Languages and Automata, etc.
Short History Most of teachers use multimedia now. Purchased equipment –5 PCs, –1 LJ printer, –1 photocopy machine, –1 binding machine, and –a number of books. Before the end of project we will purchase 5 more PCs. Equipment is used for preparing teaching material.
Short History We have performed a number of short visits to the partner institutions including the retraining of teaching staff. Exchanging the experiences and information about curricula in partner institutions was of the crucial importance!
Short History Meanwhile, we realized that we need completely new studies. At TEMPUS meeting in Ohrid (September, 2004) we have presented new curricula proposal in first version. We have also promised to inform you about future progress. Important circumstance: new university law is about to be adopted in spring 2005.
Contents Short History Principles Subjects Open Questions Conclusion
Principles We follow recommended area according to CC2001. Subject are designed pretty much on our own. We have defined forest of the subject precedence with list of compulsory and elective subjects.
Contents Short History Principles Subjects Open Questions Conclusion
Subjects In the following list we present subjects allocated in the earliest semesters when they can be taken. Also, we marked compulsories and electives. Hypothetic modules of electives are defined too, but they would not be imposed to the students and they are not marked in the following list.
Subjects – First Year WinterSummer 1. Programming Fundamentals 4. Introduction to OOP 2. CS Fundamentals 5. Introduction to WWW 3. Discrete Structures I 6. Discrete Structures II A. Math. Analysis I B. Math. Analysis II E. English Language I F. English Language II Compulsory at introductory level
Subjects – Second Year WinterSummer 7. Data Structures & Algorithms 9. Algorithm Design & Analysis 8. Computer Architecture & Organization 10. Introduction to OS C. Probability & Statistics 11. Interactive Programming D. Linear Algebra 13. Computer Graphics 19. Automata Theory 21. Coding & Information Theory 20. Security & Cryptography 22. Operational Research 26. Introduction to VHDL Design H.Psychology 31. CS Didactics I. Communication Skills G.Pedagogy Compulsory at introductory level Compulsory at intermediate level Advanced level electives
Subjects – Third Year WinterSummer 12. Computer Networks 17. Software Development 14. Introduction to Databases 23. Web Programming 15. Introduction to SW Engineering 29. Compiler Construction 18. Programming Languages Theory 24. Distributed Operating Systems 25. Parallel Architectures Compulsory at intermediate level Compulsory at advanced level Advanced level electives
Subjects – Forth Year WinterSummer 16. Database Design Professional Practice 27. Business Information Systems Diploma Work 28.E-commerce 31. Software Design & Architecture Advanced level electives Compulsory at advanced level
Contents Short History Principles Subjects Open Questions Conclusion
Open Questions We need final recheck of the proposal before put it in the procedure. Credits! Very important but still not quite clear.
Contents Short History Principles Subjects Open Questions Conclusion
Conclusion Earlier law limitations apparently will be removed sun. This make local acceptance more probable. We can not be very wrong. This curricula should not last more then 5 years.