MIND THE GAP!. THE AGENDA national and local picture importance of language development early identification and support - aspiration how to intervene.


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Presentation transcript:


THE AGENDA national and local picture importance of language development early identification and support - aspiration how to intervene family links ensuring progress is good - focusing on barriers to learning - EYPP

(excerpt from "Within My Power" by Forest Witcraft) One Hundred Years from now It will not matter what kind of car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, how much money was in my bank account nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child.

National Picture The achievement gap between the lowest attaining 20% of children and the mean is narrowing. In 2014, the achievement gap between the lowest attaining 20% of children and the mean average was 33.9%. The achievement gap has narrowed by 2.7 percentage points from 36.6% in In 110 local authorities, the achievement gap has narrowed and in the remaining 42 it has widened.

National Picture In 2014, 53% of children in the 30% most deprived Super Output areas in England achieved a good level of development. This compares with 65% of children in other areas and shows a gap of 12 percentage points. These figures are still an improvement from 2013 when, 44% of children in deprived areas achieved a good level of development compared to 56% in other areas. The gap of 12 percentage points has remained the same.

National/Local Comparison Percentages achieving a Good Level of Development Gender Gap Inequality Gap GLD 0f most deprived 30% Literacy National16%33.9%53/6558/71 Local13%28.5%57/6661/70 Gap-3%-5.4%9%

Impact of deprivation At 11, 60.1% of pupils on free school meals achieve level 4 or above in Reading and Writing compared to 78.8% of others, a gap of 18.7% At 16, 38.7% of students on FSM achieve an A* - C grade in English and Maths compared to 65.3%of those not on FSM – a gap of 26.5% The impact of lower Educational achievement through deprivation is continued through adulthood. In 2010 a quarter of 25 to 29year olds with no GCSEs at Grade C or above lacked or wanted paid employment compared with 1 in 15 of those with the Grades or degrees

Impact of deprivation Most importantly it is known that the educational attainment gap starts early. Disadvantaged children are likely to be behind when the start school at the age of 5 and evidence shows that there is at least a 19 month gap between the most and least disadvantaged children

Role of Language At age 2: Language development predicts children’s performance on entry to Primary School. Understanding and use of vocabulary and the use of two or three word sentencesis strongly associated with future performance in Primary School The communication environment is a more dominant of early language than socio-economic background

Language Language For thinking For friendships For understanding and empathy For literacy For behaviour management, emotional regulation and well being For the SOUL - language allows you to move beyond the given to wider possibilities – to communicate, to infer, deduct and comprehend – DO NOT be afraid of LANGUAGE

Poor Communication.. Poor Communication.. Impacts on Educational achievement and life chances Behaviour and vulnerability – 66% of children with severe behaviour issues have language impairment Mental health – 40% of children referred to Ed Psych have a non diagnosed language impairment Criminality – 65% of young people in young offenders institutions have communication difficulties 47% of employers state they cannot find the right people with the required communication skills

Quantity is important % of affirmation or negativity

Quantity is important

What does this mean From age 2 all children benefit from EY education. The quality of Early Years matters. Part-time has equal benefit to full-time. High quality EY effects persist until teenage years High quality EY can protect a child from effects of a low effective school

‘ There is no greater gift that you can give a child at the beginning of life than the ability to communicate’ Dr Sally Ward


What makes good EYs Quality of the adult-child verbal interaction. Understanding of the curriculum. Knowledge of how young children learn. Adults skill in helping children resolve conflicts. Helping parents to support children’s learning at home. SUSTAINED SHARED THINKING

18 What aspirations will you have for me? I will succeed!

‘Evaluation of achievement in the Early Years Foundation Stage should take account of the proportions of children who have made typical progress or more from their starting points.’ School inspection handbook 2015 (SIH) 19 Achievement

Example of typical progress: ‘a child starting Reception displaying the knowledge, skills and understanding for her/his age and then meets the early learning goals.’ (SIH) 20 How high are your expectations?

Inadequate: ‘Children or specific groups of children…do not achieve as well as they can so that that many start Year 1 without the skills and knowledge they need.’ (SIH) 21 How high are your expectations? He’s not ready yet!

Good: ‘Children make at least typical progress and most children make good progress from their starting points. This includes disabled children, those with special educational needs, those for who the school receives additional funding and the most able, who make good progress relative to their starting points.’ (SIH) 22 How high are your expectations?

3 elements for good educational and social success Good Home Learning Environment (before school) Good Quality preschool for longer duration Good primary schools Those children with all 3 will out-perform those with 2 who will out-perform those with 1 who will out-perform those with 0 All other things being equal

EYPP “All children, irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability should have the opportunity to experience a challenging and enjoyable programme of learning and development”. – EYFS Statutory Framework

EYPP Effective use and impact of the EYPP to be assessed under the Leadership and Management judgement Focus must be on making a difference on: Identified children’s progress and the Quality of provision What do you need to think about? Leadership of the EYPP The quality of provision for early language and literacy The quality of practice and CPD Professional dialogue and debate, learning from each other The physical environment and “resources” Parent’s involvement and engagement Home learning environment

EYPP Spending the premium and ensuring it makes a difference £300 is not a lot!!!! Cluster, pooling arrangementsto invest in a speech and language therapist, CPD, characteristics of effective learning Staffinteractions with children Partnerships Peer to peer support Specific programmes Identified area – early language and communication SHOWING IMPACT IS ESSENTIAL