My Home Navigation bar has basic system tools. My Superior Courses will show the courses you are teaching by semesters. You can update your preferences in the Welcome Box
Course Home Navigation bar has course related tools. To add “New News Items”, use the + (plus) sign. Use the Arrows icon to change the order of your News items.
Content Area on left manages your content and files. Float your mouse over an icon to see what that feature does. Use the Pencil icons to edit the items in UW-Superior.
A topic must be created in a forum in order for your students to post messages. Availability and locking options give the instructor control. Grade Discussion posts right from this tool.
Use Categories to organize your collection folders. Grade submissions and leave feedback right from this tool. Restrict access to folders after the due date has passed.
Randomize your test questions to make your assessment more effective. Some question types can be automatically graded upon submission. Grades can be automatically transferred to the Grades book.
The Grade Area helps you manage the grade book. Setup Wizard makes using the grades book easier. Use Manage Grades to create and update grade categories and items. Use the Spreadsheet View to input grades quicker.
To create new categories and new items, use Manage Grades in the Grades Area on the left.
Collapsible Categories to minimize scrolling Show both Calculated Final Grade and Adjusted Final Grade in the Final Grades Category
Group Management is done on it’s own screen. Enroll students in groups
Add a Discussion area and a Dropbox for each group. Permissions are automatically set for each one.
Instructor & Student guides available online index.cfm index.cfm Contact the Helpdesk or by ing if you or your students need technical