CSCI1600: Embedded and Real Time Software Steven Reiss Fall 2015
What is CSCI1600 Purpose: Teach how to program embedded and real time systems. What is an embedded system What is a real time system Why are they important
Why are these systems important Everything today has embedded processor How many CPUs are in a modern car? Other examples
What are the differences RT/Embedded Emphasis on I/O Predictability Reliability Fault tolerance Worst case time Control-oriented Timing essential Traditional User interfaces Performance Maintainability Error messages Expected time Data oriented Timing unimportant
The Course Learn the underlying concepts Learn the underlying theory (modeling, verification, …) Writing embedded and real time code An interesting project of your choice
Course Mechanics Staff Office hours Assignments Programming/hardware homeworks One embedded, one real-time Readings Text: Lee & Seshia: Intro to Embedded Systems (2 nd ed) Written homeworks Project Exam
Grading 15% for each programming homework 45% for project 15% for final exam 10% for homeworks, participation, etc.
Project Monday 9/14: Short presentation of ideas Monday 9/21: Initial project idea hand-in w/ budget Monday 9/28: Final project idea hand-in w/ budget Friday 10/16: Initial status reports due Monday 10/26: Project status presentations Monday 11/23: Project status reports Wednesday 12/4: Project presentations Friday 12/11: Project final hand-in
Project Ideas You are more creative than I am Pinball, model trains Hand-held or table-top game Controlling model car or helicopter Morse code listener Internet of Things: alarm clock, … Smart clothing Robotics
Hardware We are using Arduinos for homeworks Purchase your own (we have some to lend) We will get a shopping list of parts needed For final projects
Assignment Read chapter 1 Take a common device in your home/apartment/life/… Describe what the embedded software does and how it might work You don’t have to be accurate – I’d rather you think about how you might accomplish what it does rather than looking up what it really does