Longfields-Davison Heights Secondary School Grade 9 Program Planning For Next Year
Grade 9 Timetable Semester 1 September to January Semester 2 January to June 4 classes per day (9:05 – 3:15) 75 minute period 60 minutes for lunch and extra curricular activities 5 exam days each semester
Graduation Requirements 30 credits (18 compulsory + 12 optional) • 4 English • 1 French • 3 Mathematics (at least 1 in grade 11 or 12) • 2 Science • 1 Canadian History • 1 Canadian Geography • 1 Arts (Art, Music, Drama) • 1 Health and Physical Education • 0.5 Civics/ 0.5 Career Studies • 3 Additional Compulsory Credits (Group 1, 2, 3)
Grade 9 Courses English Mathematics Science – in English or French French – Core, Immersion or Extended Geography - in English or French Health and Physical Education Art – Music Instrumental Music Vocal, Drama or Visual Art (in English or French) 1 Elective – Foods, Business, Exploring Technology or an Additional Art Course Repertoire: extra out of school 1/2 credit
Other Graduation Requirements Literacy Test (based on Grade 9 curriculum) 40 hours of Community Involvement
In Grade 9 and 10… Applied Academic 3 Course Types Open
Open Courses Prepare students for further study Appropriate for all students Examples: Tech, Art, Phys Ed, Business…
French, Geography, History How do we know which one to choose? Academic or Applied Core Subjects Science, English, Math, French, Geography, History How do we know which one to choose?
How does your child learn best? Academic or Applied How does your child learn best?
Academic or Applied Essential Concepts Theory How? And Why? Reading and Writing Essential Concepts Concrete How? Doing
Academic and Applied Academic “D” Core Courses ENG1D English MPM1D Mathematics SNC1D Science CGC1D Geography
Academic and Applied Applied “P” Core Courses ENG1P English MPM1P Mathematics SNC1P Science CGC1P Geography
Choose courses in which your student can be successful. GOAL Choose courses in which your student can be successful.
Academic or Applied 3 tools to help make a decision:
Academic or Applied Report Card: A mark of 70% or higher indicates Academic courses. Learning skills with G or E valuations
Academic or Applied 2. Learning Skills section of report card. If student has S and N’s then Academic program will be very difficult for them.
3. Talk with Your Students Grade 8 Teacher Academic or Applied 3. Talk with Your Students Grade 8 Teacher
Extended French Certificate Extended French Certificate: 7 Credits 4 courses in French: FEF1D, 2D, FIF3U, 4U 3 courses in other subjects taught in French. Grade 9 and 10 courses taught in French include: CGC1DF - Geography CGW4UF - Geography SNC1DF – Science SNC2DF - Science CHC2DF – History CHA3UF - History CHV2OF/GLC20F – Civics & Careers
French Immersion Certificate French Immersion Certificate: 10 Credits 4 courses in French: FIF1D, 2D, 3U, and 4U 6 courses in other subjects taught in French Grade 9 and 10 courses taught in French include: CGC1DF - Geography CGW4UF - Geography SNC1DF – Science SNC2DF CHC2DF – History CHA3UF – History CHV2OF/GLC20F – Civics & Careers
Option Sheet Consult your student’s teachers to help you choose courses and level of difficulty, fill out paper copy of option sheet and bring to school Grade 8 teachers will take classes to computer labs to electronically select their courses. Once the online option sheet is filled out students will need to print out and have parents sign and return to Grade 8 teacher. Return of paper and signed e-option sheet to your Grade 8 teacher by: Feb 15th
More Information on Curriculum Board Website: www.ocdsb.ca School Website: www.ldhss.ca Pathways: http://www.ocdsb.ca/programs/sec/Adaptive%20Preparing%20Programs/Program_Pathways.pdf
Every Student Wants to be Successful Two reasons that result in lack of success 1. Lagging Skills 2. Unresolved Problems
Lagging Skills To build skills you need to practice *Skills in school require practice in Reading, Writing, Homework and Organization *How much time is spent at home practicing these skills
Unresolved Problems Regardless of skills unresolved problems can negate the ability to use skills Just think of Tiger Woods Unresolved problems can be very powerful
Skills and Practice If boys practiced reading and writing as much as they often play video games imagine their success at school If girls practiced reading and writing as much as the spend time on social media imagine their success at school Unresolved problem = addiction to bad habits??
Thank you for your Interest If you have Any other Questions? Speak with the LDHSS Guidance Counsellors Mrs. Brennan Surnames A-Be Mrs. Storey Surnames Bh-Hm Mr. Mochizuki Surnames Ho-My Mr. Rodger Surnames N - Z