Teams Process & Conflict Zsuzsanna Szabo, Ph. D.
Groups vs. Teams Groups = individuals working together to accomplish a given task Teams a group that has reached a higher level of quality has developed cohesiveness among its members strive for a magnified impact of results members are collectively responsible for the performance outcome
Groups vs. Teams Groups Roles evolve in time Goals developed in discussions Members interact and develop methods of working Relative interdependence among members Rules and norms evolve as the group meets Teams Assigned roles Clearly defined goals Members formally collaborate and coordinate their efforts Members are interdependent Rules and norms are explicitly discussed and developed in order to coordinate the work
Characteristics of highly effective teams 1. Clear and challenging goal 2. Results-driven structure 3. Competent and talented team members 4. Unified commitment 5. Positive team culture 6. Standards of excellence 7. External support and recognition 8. Effective leadership Carl Larson & Frank LaFasto (1989)
Team development stages Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
Forming Know each other Define the task Decide on information resources Determine how to begin
Storming Emergence of conflicts Sacrifice of personal needs Resistance to leadership Experience of negative emotions Conflict
Norming Feelings of belonging Increase of cohesiveness Groupthink = too high cohesiveness! Development of norms (informal rules)
Performing Members work synergistically Time management very important! Teamthink
Adjourning End of task Unexpected member withdrawal External constrains (organizational, downsizing, etc.) Perception of loss
Team members – The Process of Transition Anxiety Can I cope ? Happiness At Last something’s going to change ! Fear What impact will this have? How will it affect me? Threat This is bigger than I thought! Guilt Did I really do that Depression Who am I? Gradual Acceptance I can see myself in the future Moving Forward This can work and be good Hostility I’ll make this work if it kills me!! © J M Fisher. Not to be sold or published. Sole risk with user. A free resource from Denial Change? What Change? withdraw I’m off!! … this isn’t for me!
Conflict in teams Sources: Different goals => Social trap (Individual’s goal is above the team’s goal by all means) Types: Personality/behavioral style differences Interest-based (differences in needs, values, goals) Task-oriented (disagreements about procedures, tasks, theories)
Conflict resolution Avoiding – not solved Accommodating – poor decision-making Competing – escalation of conflict Compromising – meeting in the middle, least effective solution Collaborating – “win-win” optimal and creative solutions