American History Coach Kirkwood 1 Road To Revolution Taxes and Boycotts
American History Coach Kirkwood 2 Objectives How the British government hoped to end its money problems after the French and Indian War Why the colonists objected to the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts How the British government reacted to the Boston Tea Party
American History Coach Kirkwood 3 Trouble on the Frontier British now forced to defend frontier –All the way to the Mississippi Indians attack Fort Detroit in 1763 –Known as Pontiac Rebellion Quit fighting after hearing of the Treaty of Paris –British react with the Proclamation of 1763 Forbade settlers from settling west of the Appalachian mountains British build fort to enforce the proclamation Angers settlers
American History Coach Kirkwood 4
American History Coach Kirkwood 5 Money Problems French and Indian War cost Britain a lot of money Felt the colonist should pay for it Parliament passes Sugar Act of 1764 –Taxed cheaper sugar coming to America Colonist refuse to pay Quartering Act of 1765 –Colonist had to pay for British soldiers living in the colonies
American History Coach Kirkwood 6 Stamp Act (1 of 2) Stamp Act of 1765 –Taxed everyday items Colonists felt Parliament had gone too far Believed it was “Taxation with no representation” Leads to the formation of the Sons of Liberty Also results in Boycotts
American History Coach Kirkwood 7 Stamp Act Congress –Meets in 1765, with 9 delegates from the colonies –Send a petition to the King Parliament repels the Stamp Act in 1766 –No one in America was following it –Costing British merchants lots of money Stamp Act (2 of 2)
American History Coach Kirkwood 8 Townshend Acts Passed in 1767 –Taxed paint, glass, paper, tea, ect. Allowed writs of assistance –blank search warrants Americans Boycott –Sign non-importation agreements –Refused to use British goods
American History Coach Kirkwood 9 Boston Massacre Tensions flare March 5, 1770, a riot breaks out in Boston –British soldiers fire on the mob killing many Because of this, Parliament will repel the Townshend Acts
American History Coach Kirkwood 10 Tea Act British East India Company was losing money –Traded tea Parliament enacts the Tea Act –Designed to help the company –Carried tea on their own ships –Had their own sellers –Took business away from colonists
American History Coach Kirkwood 11 Boston Tea Party Fall of 1773 Sons of Liberty board ships in Boston harbor Dump tea into the bay Know as the Boston tea party Would increase tensions between colonist and Britain
American History Coach Kirkwood 12 Discussion What were the cause and effect of the sugar act?
American History Coach Kirkwood 13 Assignment Read 196—200 Questions pg. 200
American History Coach Kirkwood 14 What you have learned today How the British government hoped to end its money problems after the French and Indian War Why the colonists objected to the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts How the British government reacted to the Boston Tea Party