* DOMESTIC Any act of violence involving family members, can be emotional, sexual, or physical * EMOTIONAL Pattern of behavior that attacks the emotional development & sense of worth of someone Name-calling, yelling, bullying, threats * VERBAL Using words to mistreat or injure another person
* SEXUAL Any sexual contact that is forced upon a person against his/her will * SEXUAL HARASSMENT Uninvited or unwelcome sexual conduct directed at another person * PHYSICAL Intentional infliction of bodily harm or injury on a person Hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, pinching, throwing objects
* BULLYING Act of seeking power or attention through the psychological, emotional, or physical abuse of another person * STALKING Repeated following, harassment, or threatening of an individual to frighten or cause him or her harm
* Inability to trust or establish healthy relationships * Chronic physical pain * Neglect of or injury to self, suicide attempts * Depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, eating disorders * Abuse of alcohol or drugs
* Get to a safe place * Recognize: become aware that you are in an abusive situation * Resist: in any way that you can, run away * Report: tell someone about the incident as soon as you can, trusted adult, abuse hot line or crisis center, police, hospital
* List some strategies that you can use to manage your anger. * What can be consequences of not managing your anger?