1 JQ: Why do you think that emoji’s have become so popular to use?
2 1:4WATER SAFETY 1. Swim with a buddy 2. Fly a dive flag 3. Wear a life jacket in the boat and stay with the boat if capsized. 4. Know your limits - tired, cold divers make more errors 5. Avoid panic and prepare for emergencies 6. Let someone on shore know your plans
3 Water temperature is a big factor for survival that experience, training and safety procedures can not overcome. at 80 o indefinite time limit in the water at 60 o 2-24 hour time limit at 50 o 30 minutes to 3 hours limit at 32 o less than one hour limit
4 SCUBA is an acronym for the Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus invented by Cousteau. Diver certification is required to avoid the dangers that proper training can prevent. Link: Dangers
5 1. Decompression sickness (the Bends) - caused by surfacing too rapidly for excess nitrogen in your blood to be eliminated by breathing. The result is bubbles that expand and damage body tissue or cause pain. Divers learn to surface slowly and when to make necessary decompression stops. 2. Nitrogen narcosis (different than decompression sickness) - at depths, nitrogen is forced into the blood stream and has an anesthetic quality that impairs judgment and may cause the diver to become unconscious. The depth that narcosis occurs depends on the experience of the diver and the length of the dive.
6 NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Can left channel - green Nun right channel - red
7 Left day mark Odd numbers Right day mark Even numbers DAYMARKS
9 “Red - Right - Returning” is a phrase used remind sailors how to navigate home using navigational aids. Knots = term used for speed in mile/hr 1 land mile = 5,280 feet 1 nautical mile = 6076 feet because it is the distance of one minute of latitude or 1/60 th of a degree. Three nautical miles is a league and 6 feet is a fathom.
10 SEMAPHORE – Alphabetical flags used for signaling MARLINSPIKE IS THE ART OF TYING KNOTS
SEMAPHORE - WARNINGS 11 Small Craft WarningStorm WarningStop your vessel immediately Diver down, keep clear International Code Require Assistance Diver Down
13 NAUTICAL TERMS Wharf Pier ShoreDock Stern Waterline Starboard (Right Side/Green) Bow Transom Port (Left Side/Red) Hull Gunwale
14 MotorSail Pros Cons