Mysty Deckard and Kiley Pardieck
INTASC Standard and Rationale Standard #7 Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community content. Name of Artifact: Health Lesson Plan Date: 4/23/14 Course: EDUC 240 Brief Description: For this assignment, I developed a lesson plan that documents the steps that I will use while teaching my students about water safety. In this lesson plan, I have utilized state standards and have included the different materials that will be needed to complete the lesson plan. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard 7, Planning for Instruction, I have selected to include my Health Education Lesson Plan. This assignment demonstrates my ability to create a lesson plan for my students. It shows that I was able to use my knowledge of content areas and the curriculum to create a lesson plan that would engage my students in purposeful learning.
Water Safety Grade Level Minutes
Health Education Standards and Objectives National Health Education Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. Indiana Health Education Academic Standard 2.7.2: Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks Objectives: The students objective will be to collaborate with students in their group to figure out what safety practices are best to take around different forms of water; i.e pool, beach, or lake. The students will use poster board to write their list of rules necessary for each form of water.
Equipment Needed Poster Boards Markers White Board Assessment Rubrics Preparation Gather all materials for students to begin lesson. Set up PowerPoint Blow beach ball up for assessment
Introductory Activity: Watch Water Safety Video: xVOPUw
Lesson Activity After watching the introductory video, split the students into three groups. (Pool, Beach, Lake) Give each group a poster board and a set of markers. Have students write down a list of rules that would apply to their designated swimming area Allow for time to collaborate with students After 15 minutes, Have students read their rules aloud and then show students a list of possible rules that they could have.
Water Safety Do not swim out too far Do not go into water alone Do not swim near rocks or pier Always have an adult around Look for depth of water next to ledge before entering Do not run around pool No rough play Never swim alone Do not eat anything while swimming (gum) Obey all Water Rules
Closing Activity Think/Pair/Share Allow time for discussion of the importance of Water Safety. Have the student discuss why the believe Water Safety is important Allow for follow up questions
Assessment Activity Toss Beach Ball between students. Each student can have the ball one time. The students must say one (1) water safety rule and cannot repeat one that has been previously stated.
Accommodations Select groups so that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate Allow for there to be students from different cultures so that they can have different ideas during the lesson activity
Safety Concerns Inform the students that they are not to throw the beach ball at each other, they are to gently toss the ball. There should not be any other safety concerns
References safety/