SIMDAT and OGSA–DAI Hans–Christian Hoppe Intel GmbH, Bruehl Edinburgh, April 7, 2004 SIMDAT
SIMDAT - Introduction Four sectors of international economic importance: Automotive Pharmaceutical Aerospace Meteorology Seven Grid-technology development areas: Grid infrastructure Distributed Data Access VO Administration Workflows Ontologies Analysis Services Knowledge Services The solution of industrially relevant complex problems using data-centric Grid technology. SIMDAT is coordinated by Fraunhofer SCAI (Clemens Thole)
SIMDAT Key Grid Technologies Key technologies: Knowledge Services Integration of Analysis Services Ontologies Workflow Administration of Virtual Organizations Access to Remote Data Repositories Integrated Grid Infrastructures
SIMDAT SIMDAT - Strategy SIMDAT takes an ambitious route to drive Grid technology to the heart of industrial process: SIMDAT takes an ambitious route to drive Grid technology to the heart of industrial process: Phase 1 : Connectivity Phase 2 : Interoperability Phase 3 : Knowledge Grid infrastructure operational Distributed DB access operational Base on WSRF or WS Federate data repositories Initial virtual data repository Pull in NextGRID results (and others) Operate knowledge capture, discovery&mining Leverage NG workflow capabilities Base on NG Grid stuff PM 18PM 30PM 48
SIMDAT Project Structure Workflow Ontologies Analysis Services Virtual Organisations Distributed Data Access Integrated Grid Infrastructure Prototypes Knowledge Discovery Grid techno- logy research Auto- motive PharmaAero- space Meteo Technology Champions Intel BAE Systems Inforsense Ontoprise MSC Fraunhofer
SIMDAT Capability Providers Grid TechnologistsEnd Users SIMDAT Partners
SIMDAT Key Requirements – First 18 Months Distributed access to (central) databases unlimited distributed read access (limited) distributed upgrades/writes use DB to store small–medium datasets use DB to store references to large datasets provide monitoring, auditing Start integrating with upper layers engineering PSE, PDM systems bioscience middleware (Lion SRS,...) meteo prediction and archival systems
SIMDAT Key Requirements – Months 18–30 Work towards virtualization federate DBs distributed across partners/sites unlimited distributed read access (limited) distributed update/write virtualize SQL queries and data formats support different DB implementations (IBM Oracle,...) integrate provenance information accommodate large entries introduce messaging layer? Integrate Grid developments other FP6 projects (NextGRID,...) rest of the world
SIMDAT Key Requirements – Months 30–48 Complete virtualization unlimited distributed read, update, write distributed DB management integration of ontology–based data/query processing integration of advanced workflow techniques identify and start to address performance issues Integrate Grid developments results of FP6 projects rest of the world
SIMDAT First SIMDAT Phase First three–six months consolidate requirements by application areas provide gap analysis with OGSA–DAI prioritize requirements and produce roadmap identify risks and setup mitigation strategy Months 6–12 integrate first Grid infrastructure&data access functionality