Mass Communication with a Purpose (ZISVAW project for the Biennium)
Global Partnership on Edutainment for Social Change
Why do we use dramas and stories? People have learned through drama for centuries. They‘re popular: everyone loves a good story. They give a human face to a real life story. People identify with characters (parasocial interaction). Format allows for putting taboo issues on the table. They show alternatives for social norms.
Get an idea… (1) Breakthrough (2) Soul City e=player_embedded (3) Puentos de Encuentro
Is the method proven successful? (1) Breakthrough -> reached 35 million people with its campaign is it justice?“ (2) Soul City -> „Doing something to stop VaW“ went up significantly from 9% to 16% after exposure to Soul City episodes (3) Puentos de Encuentro: 75% of women and 50% of men were motivated to seek information on HIV and sexual abuse
Breakthrough Support of the statement: “If a husband abuses his wife (physically / verbally / emotionally), the community should intervene.” MaleFemaleTotal Significance level Yes Baseline End line
The recipe for success Campaigns Massive outreach Advocacy Community mobilization Interpersonal activities
Zonta Project US$803,124 Zonta (Oxfam Novib is donating US$700,000) with UN Trust Fund Oxfam Novib coordinating training for NGO‘s in target country 12 countries: year 1: Nigeria and Bangladesh year 2: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Egypt, Mali, Pakistan, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan Vietnam
Ensuring sustainability Apply best practices form other programs Conduct capacity building trainings in Nigeria and Bangladesh Create an online forum for partners Launch edutainment campagns Apply best practices from Nigeria and Bangladesh Conduct capacity trainings for partners in 10 additional counties Plan follow-up campaigns
Anticipated outcomes Increase level of awareness Increase the number of individuals who have changed their attitudes Increase the number of civil society organizations that stage successful campaigns to fight VAW