World Bank/NEERI Workshop on Urban Air Quality Management in Mumbai May 14, 2002 Looking ahead: What should be done differently? Chandra Venkataraman, Associate Professor Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Powai, Mumbai
Minute (yet absolutely essential!) details: Measurement Source-receptor links and quantitative source apportionment For clear source identification, a PM2.5 cut in addition to PM2.5-10, along with chemical characterization (ions, elements, carbon species). QA/QC of measurements is an absolute must (advisory / assessment role for research/academic institutions?). Receptor models are less data hungry than dispersion models. PM10 is dominated by crustal sources: e.g. Jan-Mar, 1999 C (µg m -3 ) fc
Minute (yet absolutely essential!) details: Emission Inventory Development and evaluation of emission factors applicable to India-specific sources
New (or not-so-new) paradigms Is ambient air quality so important? Citizens don’t spend their time on the roofs of municipal buildings (Kirk Smith). Can we attempt source apportionment / control based on exposure / health-risk criteria rather than ambient air quality? How do we obtain closure? Can we develop some methodology for rationalizing the emission inventory, with validated measurements and model predictions of ambient air quality?