At Christmas-time, many vulnerable children in poorer countries have little to celebrate. Living on the streets or in abusive situations, they are also often unaware of local projects designed to meet their needs.
A Viva Christmas Party is a simple but effective way to give a child a joyful experience for a day, and provide them with support for years to come. Children are invited to enjoy a day of fun, food and freedom, and are introduced to projects which exist to help them. Even better, Parties give projects an opportunity to work together.
Coming to life on the dancefloor “I am so happy seeing Andrew playing happily here. It has built his confidence because he is given the opportunity to engage in activities.” Andrew’s caregiver Andrew was born with limited mobility and faces daily discrimination from other children. At a Christmas Party run for children with disabilities by CRANE, Viva’s partner network in Uganda, he came to life – especially on the dancefloor! The party gave children like Andrew an opportunity to celebrate their identity and feel loved and valued.
It costs around £5 for a child to attend a Christmas Party. Your gift will help Viva welcome more vulnerable children to Christmas Parties this year.
Could you help a child enjoy a Christmas Party this year? By giving today, you can make this happen.
…for supporting Viva Christmas Parties THANK YOU