The Deployment of A Map Application Prototype for Information Provision, and Collection of User Data at Two Protected Areas in Tobago. GEOG 596A CAPSTONE PROPOSAL
Site Context English speaking Caribbean Sister Isle of the twin island Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
Governing Body, the TOBAGO HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (THA) Approximately 116 square miles Currently three (3) designated Protected Areas The Little Tobago Wildlife Sanctuary The Buccoo Reef Marine Park The Main Ridge Forest Reserve
Main Ridge Forest Reserve Established in 1765 Oldest in the western hemisphere Approximately 3,937 hectares in size Mainly lower montane tropical forest
The Main Ridge Interpretative Centre Photo Courtesy the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (DNRE)
Home to the White-tailed Sabrewinged Hummingbird ‘Campylopterus ensipennis’ White-tailed Sabrewinged Hummingbird ‘Campylopterus ensipennis’ Photo by Richard Beard
Buccoo Reef Marine Park Established in 1973 under the Marine Areas (Preservation and Enhancement) Act Located on the South West of the island The largest and most complex reef system in Tobago (coastal mangroves, lagoons, sea grass beds) Image by Buccoo Reef Trust
Image Sourced From Ramsar Sites Information Service //
Designated as a RAMSAR site the Buccoo Reef/Bon Accord Lagoon Complex in 2005 (1, 287 hectares) According to a 2006 study by World Resources Institute (WRI), direct and indirect activities related to the park contributed between (US $ million) to the national economy Photo by Crystal Lawrence
Citizen Science & Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS); The Tobago Experience Audubon Christmas Bird Count Environmental NGO’s Sea turtle protection and conservation Typical methods of engagement include stakeholder and community meetings Photo by Crystal Lawrence
Participatory 3D modelling training in 2012 facilitated by the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) Photo courtesy of the DNRE
Challenges Large scale areas to manage with limited human resources {Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (DNRE), Department of Marine Resources and Fisheries (DMRF)} Available information distributed across various resources and agencies; limited data collection activities specific to the protected areas Branded as ‘Clean, Green, Safe and Serene’ by the THA ; huge focus on building the eco-tourism product
Project Concept A consolidated space for providing information to the general public and users of the protected areas Established within the digital environment (for broader audience and ease of access) The use of web technologies for data collection and citizen engagement Demonstrate how PPGIS be further developed in Tobago
Project Objectives Develop of a mobile responsive web based map application for distributing information and data collection Use Free and Open Source (FOSS) tools Data collection on user activities, expected experiences, motivations
2 locations per Site Quick Response (QR) code Trails, Features of Interests, Open Street Map
User Conditions CONDITIONOPTIONS User has no QR code readerProvide paper based map containing web address User has a reader but no internet service Encourage user to scan the code for use later User can read the code and has internet service Encourage user to switch on geolocation services in order to have a richer user experience User has geolocation services switched on
FOSS Stack OpenLayers or Leaflet API GeoServer PostgreSQL/PostGIS extension Quantum GIS PHP application
Process Refine data requirements and collect relevant information Data collection and manipulation for web purposes - OpenStreetMap - trails, features of interest Develop mobile and desktop sketches & wireframes Develop prototype and obtain user feedback * Conduct a two week trial run (late March –early April)
Implementation Schedule FOSS 4G / May 2 – 5, 2016 (North Carolina) URISA Caribbean/ September 5-8, 2016 (Barbados) ACTIVITYPROJECTED TIMELINE DATA COLLECTION (historical data, photos, trails etc.) Mid December 2015 DEVELOP WIREFRAMES (mobile and desktop versions of the applications) Mid December 2015 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Mid February 2016 OBTAIN USER FEEDBACKMid March 2016 * TRIAL RUNLate March to early April 2016
REFERENCES Buccoo Reef / Bon Accord Lagoon Complex | Ramsar Sites Information Service. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2015, from Burke, L., Prager, D., Cooper, E., & Suzie Greenhalgh. (2008, June). Coastal Capital: Economic Valuation of Coral Reefs in Tobago and St. Lucia. Retrieved from valuation-coral-reefs-tobago-and-st-lucia CANARI.pdf. (n.d.). National Protected Areas Policy 2011.pdf. (2011). Trinidad and Tobago. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wildlife Sanctuaries in Trinidad and Tobago. (n.d.). Retrieved from ent-overview/wildlife-sanctuaries