Salt Lake City – Las Vegas High Speed Rail – Alignment Study Student Engineering Associates
Project Management Project Management Approach Major Milestones Project Scope of Work Cost Management Plan/Cost Baseline
Project Management Approach Staffing Management Plan Communications Management Plan Quality Management Plan
Staffing Management Plan Principal Engineer – Dr. Steven Bartlett Vice President – Byron Foster Project Management Team – 4 Members Alignment Team – 5 Members Drainage Team – 4 Members Environmental Team – 5 Members Geotechnical Team – 4 Members Structural Team – 4 Members Utilities/Transportation Team – 3 Members
Communications Management Plan Meetings Informal Communication Alejandro MedinillaProject Manager Dane JanakProject Manager Danny ThompsonProject Manager Jeff ThomasProject Manager Devin WederAlignment Team Leader Joe BoltonDrainage Team Leader Joseph WellsEnvrionmental Team Leader Krystal HarmanGeotechnical Team Leader Eric SotoStructures Team Leader Karlo VelezUtilities/Traffic Team Leader
Client Principal Engineers Project Managers Team Leaders Staff Engineers Quality Management Plan
Major Milestones MilestoneDescriptionDate Complete Scope of Work Document All general project requirements are to be determined in order to assign work 2/3/2015 Complete Feasibility Study Report and Presentation “Big Picture” items to be generally completed and submitted for presentation 3/13/2015 Complete Final Report and Presentation A detailed look into specific “Big Picture” items to be entirely completed and submitted for presentation 4/30/2015
Scope of Work Alignment Environmental Utilities & Transportation Geotechnical Structures Drainage
Alignment Approach
Western Union Pacific Railroad Corridor Eastern I-15 Corridor Track Layout Cut & Fill Estimates Geometric Constraints Estimate Surface Data Design of Horizontal Curves Design of Vertical Curves
Drainage Approach Storm Drainage Hydrologic Analysis of Watersheds Identify Need and Location for Culverts Irrigation Features Open Channel Flow Analysis for Existing Channels Design of Drainage for Rail Line
Environmental Approach Sensitive Lands Culturally Environmentally Endangered Species Right-of-Way Identify Ownership State Federal Private Environmental Impact Studies
Utilities and Transportation Approach Identify Potential Utility Interferences Utilities Fiber optics Current Easements Identify Existing Railroad and Road Interferences Access Rights Construction Considerations Relocation
Geotechnical Approach Identify Soil/Rock Types Develop Typical Cross Sections Identify Slope Stability Identify Need for Tunnels Types of Soils Tunneling Methods Preliminary Design Work for Structural Foundations Preliminary Design for Ballast and Sub-Ballast Materials
Structural Approach Preliminary Design of Grade Separated Track Bridges Location Length Type Tunnels Type of Rock Methods Preliminary Design of Typical Pedestrian Crossings
Team NameEngineering RateStudent Rate Principle Engineer Oversight$202.5/hr$81/hr Vice President$162/hr$33/hr Project Management$108/hr $22/hr Alignment$81/hr$22/hr Drainage$81/hr$22/hr Environmental$81/hr$22/hr Geotech$81/hr$22/hr Structural$81/hr$22/hr Transportation & Utilities$81/hr$22/hr Total$397,926 $124,622 Cost Management Plan/Cost Baseline
Schedule towards Feasibility Study Task NameCostWork Scope of Work Estimate$397, ,666 hrs Alignment$77, hrs East & West rough draft$7, hrs Horizontal Alignment$9, hrs Vertical Alignment$12, hrs Finalized Alignments$9, hrs Drainage$40, hrs Storm Drainage$6, hrs Irrigation Features$6, hrs Design of Drainage for Rail Line$13, hrs Environmental$27, hrs Right of way research$3, hrs Sensitive Lands research$2, hrs Collection of Data$2, hrs Collaboration$4, hrs Geotech$57, hrs Soil classification & Problematic characteristics$3, hrs Research & Design of tunnels, retaining systems and foundations$4, hrs Calcs & Drafts of cuts, stability analysis, and fill materials$2, hrs Additional issues$4, hrs Project Management$60, hrs Structural$67, hrs Design Criteria$1, hrs Structures count estimate$9, hrs Revised count based on alignment changes$8, hrs Final count and total cost estimate$3, hrs Transportation & Utilities$58, hrs Research possible utility lines$2, hrs Research possible railroad$2, hrs Construction access$1, hrs Preliminary cost estimate of utilities and crossings$2, hrs Feasibility study submit$3, hrs Present cost estimate of relocations for overall plan$2, hrs Principle Advising$8, hrs