Safety and Health Lecturer: Nazarenko Olga Bronislavovna Professor of Ecology and Human Safety Department 155 room 8 building
Rating Lectures – 16 h (8) Laboratory works – 16 h (4) Practical classes – 16 h (8) Self-study – 60 h Total – 108 h Test – 2 Essay and presentation – 2 Exam
Course objectives The main objective is the formation of students' of professional safety culture, which means the readiness and ability of the individual to use an obtained set of knowledge and skills to ensure safety in the area of professional activity, as well as the way of thinking, in which safety issues are considered as a priority.
Obtaining knowledge and practical skills needed for identification of negative factors of living environments of natural, technogenic and anthropogenic origin; creating a comfortable state of the environment in the areas of employment and human recreation; developing and implementing protection measures humans and the environment from the negative effects predicting the development and evaluation of consequences of emergencies; ensuring the stability of functioning of objects and technical systems in regular and emergency situations; decisions on protection of industrial workers and the public from the possible consequences of emergencies and during their liquidation.
Course structure 1. Theoretical basis of “Safety and health” 2. Safety management 3. Occupational health 4. Occupational safety 5. Safety in emergencies 6. Environmental safety
Theoretical basis of “Safety and health” 1. Interaction in «Human↔Environment» system 2. Potential danger. Axiom about potential danger 3. Dangerous and harmful factors 4. Criteria of safety 5. Risk 6. Structure of “Safety and Health”
Introduction. Basic concepts “Safety and Health” is a science of comfortable and safe interaction of man with the environment The environment (living space) is some part of space specifying by series of factors (physical, chemical, biological and social ones), which can exert influence (direct or indirect, immediate or postponed) upon human activities, health and offspring.
System “Human↔Environment” “Human↔Natural environment” “Human↔Industrial environment” “Human↔Domestic environmental”
Special conditions of interaction in “Human↔Environment” system: comfortable (optimal) condition. There are created optimal conditions for activity and rest of the people. We can observe maximum efficiency for productive activity. permissible condition. Negative affect oh health is absent, but interaction in «Human↔Environment» system leads to discomfort, decrease of efficiency for activity. dangerous condition. There are active factors exceed permissible levels and could provide negative affect on human health, causing illnesses and damage of natural environment. extremely dangerous condition. During short period of time high level of active factors could cause traumas, death or serious damage in natural environment.
Hazard The interaction between human and environment can be positive or negative. Negative one is hazard. Hazards are some processes, phenomena, objects, human activity or conditions that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, environmental damage.
Types of hazards Natural origin earthquakes, flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Man-made origin caused by human activity and products of his labour
Axiom about potential hazard All human actions and components of the environment, in addition to the positive results and properties have the ability to generate dangerous and harmful factors. At the same time, any new positive action or the result is inevitably accompanied by the formation of new negative factors.
Dangerous and harmful factors In accordance with character of effect on human all negative factors are divided into dangerous and harmful factors. Dangerous factor is negative influence on human, which leads to injures and death. Harmful factor is negative influence on human body, which can cause changes for the worse in health or illness. The influence of harmful factor on workers for a long time can cause professional diseases. electric current, fire, blast wave, moving parts of machinery, sharp-edged subjects, falling subjects vibrations and noises, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, high and low temperatures, irrationally designed illumination, monotony of work, hard physical work, toxic substances.
The effect of molten metal on the worker
Classification Dangerous and harmful factors 1. physical factors 2. chemical factors 3. biological factors 4. psychophysiological factors (physical overload and psychological overloads)
The result of exposure of the dangerous and harmful factors on human and the environment is the increase in injures, the number and severity of the diseases, the number of accidents and disasters, the increase in material damage.
The data on emergencies in 2013 (Russia) In 2013 on the territory of the Russian Federation were 332 emergencies. As a result of emergencies 631 people died, people were injured. EmergenciesPeople diedPeople injured Technogenic166 / 50%574 / 91 %1542 Natural114 / 34 %6 / 1 % Biologic-social45 / 14 %-362 Terrorist acts7 / 2 %51 / 8 %243
The main objective of “Safety and Health” as a science Protecting people from the negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural origin and to achieve comfortable living conditions. safety and comfort
Safety criteria The conditions of safety are achieved at full absence of danger impacts or if level of danger impact are decreased to maximum permissible value (Threshold limit value). Safety criteria are the restrictions imposed on the concentration of substances and energy flow in living space. MPCMPL maximum maximum permissible level (MPL), which characterize the influence of physical dangerous and harmful factors maximum permissible concentration (MPC), which characterize safety content of harmful substances in environment
Safety conditions С i ≤ MPC i n ∑ С i / MPC i ≤ 1 i =1 I i ≤ MPL i n ∑ I i ≤ MPL i i =1 Сi – the concentration of і-some substance in environment, MPC i – maximum permissible concentration of this substance, n – number of substances with the same action I i - the intensity of the i-some energy flow (physical factor), MPL i – maximum permissible level of this factor, N – number of the factor sources
Risk Risk is the probability of realization of negative action R = N em /N о ≤ R acc R - risk, N em - number of emergency events in a year, N о - total number of events in a year, R acc - acceptable risk Tolerable (acceptable) risk = This is the level of risk from destruction by natural factors to which people have historically adapted
The characteristic values of the risk Cancer 1,6·10 -3 Heart desease 8,5·10 -3 Car accident 2,5·10 -4 Aviation accident 1·10 -5 Natural disasters 1·10 -6 Electric shock 6·10 -6 Hurricane 5·10 -7
Comfort criteria Comfort - the optimal combination of microclimate, amenities, cosiness and livability in areas of human activity and rest. Criteria for comfort - air temperature, humidity, and its mobility, the illumination value and a number of other indicators of the lighting system
Possible location of the danger zone and working area Safe situation Situation of short-term or local danger Dangerous situation Conventially dangerous situation
The main safety methods spatial and temporal separation of the danger zone and working area organization of activities and engineering solutions adaptation of the environment to the possibilities of the workers collective protection equipment adaptation of the person to the environment and improving its protection training personnel for safety and use of personal protective equipment
Collective Protective Equipment (CPE) is used for group protection of personnel Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used to protect individuals
PPE are classified according to organ of the body to be protected
S & H Labor safety Safety in emergencies Environmental safety Structure of “Safety and Health”
Environmental safety by studying the patterns of interaction between man and nature provides evidence-based recommendations for the protection of nature and reproduction of natural resources Safety in emergencies protects the population in emergency situations: natural disasters, anthropogenic catastrophes, socio-political conflicts
Labor safety – a system of legislation, socio- economic, organizational, technical, sanitary, and medical-prophylactic measures and means of ensuring safety, maintaining the health and performance in the work process. 1.Occupational health 2.Occupational safety 3.Fire prevention 4.Organizational and legal basis LS
Occupational health - is a system of organizational measures and technical tools to prevent or reduce the impact on the workers of harmful industrial factors Occupational safety - system of organizational measures and technical means to prevent action on the workers of dangerous industrial factors Fire Prevention - is a system of organizational measures and technical tools aimed at prevention and liquidation of fires and explosions, the limitation of their consequences Organizational and legal basis for the protection of labor is considering the legislation and regulations of the organization of work safety
The main objectives of S&H 1. Identification of dangerous and harmful factors and their control 2. Protection of people from dangerous and harmful factors: the development and use of means of protection from the dangers of instruction in bases protection against hazards 3. Liquidation of consequences of hazards action