Credibility Checklist One way to determine if a website is credible or not is to go through a checklist of the things that makes a good website These checklists have numerous questions to ask yourself about the website There are many different ways a checklist could look like For instance…
Here is one example of a credibility checklist Dupe Detector: A checklist to help surfers begin determining if information found on a website is true or not* Website:TrustworthyQuestionable 1.Do large companies you know advertise on the site?Yes □ No □ 2.Are there any ‘dead links’, or links to ‘moved pages’?No □ Yes □ 3.Do the images support the stated facts?Yes □ No □ 4.Is the site hosted by a credible provider and reside in a ‘trustworthy’ domain.Yes □ No □ 5. Are there links and references to other websites, resources and experts that corroborate this information? Yes □ No □ 6.Is the resource available in another format?Yes □ No □ 7.Do the site’s authors have other publications with credible sites and publishers?Yes □ No □ 8. Are the site’s authors experts in the subject? (Do they have any credentials or experience around the topic?) Yes □ No □ 9.Is contact information provided and does the place/ exist and work?Yes □ No □ 10. Does the site present highly biased visuals (e.g. racist statements, derogatory remarks, and emotional language)? No □ Yes □ 11.Is the site professional (grammar and typing errors are not present or very minimal)?Yes □ No □ Totals**: Available at:
Now that you’ve seen an example of one checklist, look at the checklist in your binder and.. Summarize – Write a summary of what your checklist is doing Analyze – Look at each of the pieces of the checklist. – What does it include? Evaluate – Make a judgment about this checklist. – Why is it a good/bad checklist? Synthesize – Create with your group a new checklist with the most important things to have for a credibility checklist
You will turn in: A paper with EVERYONE’S name on it that has – A summary of the checklist (Summarize) – All the different parts of the checklist (Analyze) – Your group’s opinion about the effectiveness of the checklist (Evaluate) – A new checklist that your group created with all the questions that are important in determining credibility